Clean History, Never left NPC Corp (Single Entry under Employment)
Can remap now + 2 Bonus Remaps available 3m SP unallocated:
Which means you can train any 10x skill(Marauders for example) into V inmmediatly. also, you can choose to allocate them to a bunch of level IV skills, like Drones & Missles, whatever you like.
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
Location: Jita 4-4
Notable skills:
Main Armor skills V
Main Shields skills V
Cloaking V
All Gunnery supporting skills V
All Non-Capital Navigation skills V
All Scanning skills V
Marauders V (however lack of battleship skills)
Transport Ships V
Heavy Assault Cruisers V (can fly C/G/A hac ships)
C/G/A Cruiser V
Starting bid 50b
b/o 62b Auction will terminate on Sunday 01/12/2025 at 12:00 eve time.
ISK recieved, thank you, as I know you can send me a in-game mail with the accout name. I recommend not sharing your account name publicly on the forum for security reasons, so you can edit your last reply to hide the sensitive data.
Sorry, I got a payment authorization failed issue for several times, and I’m still figuring it out, I’m sorry for the “within one hour” promise.
That’s wierd, I’m using paypal and get a failure, i never encountered this problem before? if anyone else ever got the same issue, pls give me some suggestions, Thanks!