

Allocated Skill Points 41,099,224
Location “Perimeter”
No Killrights
0 ISK in Wallet

Check me out and make an Offer

Starting 20bil
B/O 30bil UPDATED!

20B offer to start.




I can offer 21b, isk is ready.


I will end this Auktion today (12.04.2021)
If someone want to make an Offer, do it now. Otherwise i will sell this charakter for 21B to Doctor Niubility
if he still want to buy it.


It seems there is a higher bid from coffe 8lack.

My 21b bid is still work, if coffe withdrew his bid , I’m glad to buy DEAD MOP03 at 21b.

OK Coffe 8lack
If you want to get DEAD MOP03 for 24B you can send me the isk now.
i will initiate the transfer immediately after you send the 24B ISK.

If coffe withdraws ill offer 22bil

Because Coffe 8lack is not responding, Lakar Skjem get DEAD MOP03 for 22B

Isk and account info sent

ISK received and Transfer initiated!
Thanks for buying

oh my god… i am such an idiot… i forgot to send the 22B ist to my other char.
the 22B are still on DEAD MOP03

message me on another toon with the name of the account I told you to send it to and ill transfer the isk to you well when I get the account anyway

I can only confirm that i am the seller of this account by giving you my Alt name.
Its Heagen.
I already forgot your accountname and cant get back to charactertransfer because its pending

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