Cluster Failure - 2021/04/02

I think my dread is stuck sideways in the Quer/Stain pipe.


I hope you are going to reset the game to the point of the initial failure. A station was lost in AZN because you allowed some to re-log

Thank You

Lol :smiley:


LEGO separator’ll fix that. Those things will move ANYTHING.

you must be new here.

R.I.P. 2 drones and dread guristas with 166kk implant

I thought April fools was yesterday.

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thats propoubly beacouse of this STAIN gate under construction…

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And I thought it was someone kicking the power cord again to the server.

Yep dang construction work noss everything up!

I knew this… man you cant even jest no moar…

i dont see the km lol

hope it does not take to log to reboot the hamsters, gerbils and mice in the wheels of the server

Yupii :smiley:

Reacted and got a fix within 30 minutes, well played CCP! I’ve seen other games stop service for days

■■■■■■■ triglavians ddosing the server… this is just the kind of nefarious ■■■■ they would get up to.


Why does it take this long for CCP to remove that botches ass code that tried to slip in?

We need supplies of probe scanners after this.:metal:

Eve the Great Reset!!! Back to the days of nodes crashing due to population in system…