Updated to latest mini-patch, successfully logged in (two accounts). Communication link broken, all subsequesnt attempts encounter the message “encountered error renewing token”
Any suggestions?
Updated to latest mini-patch, successfully logged in (two accounts). Communication link broken, all subsequesnt attempts encounter the message “encountered error renewing token”
Any suggestions?
same, in the middle of playing and sockets closed
cant log back in
Same here
got the same problem
Same. and that on the last mins of killing the Blades of Grass Keepstar, now i am not on Killboard due to that ■■■■ … gRRrRrrRRrRrRr
I was able to log in after DT, but then a wihle ago i got “socket closed” on the 2 accounts i had logged in. since then i get the by now well known “ecountered an error while refreshing token” message…
hope i dont die… because if i petition this it im pretty sure the answer would be the usual: “our logs show nothing”
I am having trouble even commenting now. Wow CCP.
Maybe they want to snuff comments
Who knows
Can’t log in either after socket closed…!!
Same here, tried 3 times and got a “Error: There was an error validating your account, please try again” … its the exact same account with a char iam now typing from btw >.>
“Error while validating account”
That’s what i am getting
Just got home and tried to login, launcher gets stuck at refreshing authorization and eventually fails. Tried on multiple accounts.
Glad it was not just me
Was logged in earlier, now can’t. Authentication down? Thanks CC…Pearl Abyss!
Click add account and type in the username and password of the accounts affected to add them again, should give you a new token and solve your issue.
negative, doesnt help
не помогает
doesn’t work
I can confirm this has not worked
I get error “couldn’t validate your account” when trying to add accounts to the launcher.