Corp looking for Capsuleers

Hello and welcome to Eve online,

My name is Soenal, I am a recruiting officer for Blue Heart Industries Corp, we are based in Caldari High sec and we are looking for new/veteran pilots to bolster our small corporation and hopefully to form a great community to work together to make the game even better.

If you are a new player, welcome to the game, this game can easily blow your mind and at Blue Heart Industries we will help you grow and bloom into the pilot you want to be, this could be from Industry all the way up to Exploration. Here at Blue Heart Industries we do not tell you how to play the game, that would take the fun out of it, instead we will help you learn how you want to play the game(within reason). we do not tell you what to do if you want to mine, we might join you and help by giving boosts and that attitude is all the way through the game and Corp.

If you are an old timer like myself getting back into, welcome back we offer you the chance to get back to grips with the game and just to catch your breath and chill.

We are a small newly formed casual Corp based in Caldari high sec, we offer 1% tax (this small tax amount is to help the Corp grow). We are part of an Alliance.

Thank you for reading this far, if you have any questions please answer below or contact myself or Selari Nosha in game.

Fly safe

Still looking

Hey @soenal - could you PM me on Discord? MrJ4zzy

Do you all have any abyssal teams?

Still recruiting

Still looking pilots

Still looking for pilots

still looking

wow we are growing but still looking

Still looking come and have a chat.

growing good come and join.

still looking

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