So as the title suggests I am a returning player looking to start over in EVE with all my Toons (5 in total) The plan is to test the water with one and if it fits bring the others online.
So, primarily I am into Industry. Building Battleships, Caps and Barges. I do have PvP experience (both sub and cap) so that is always an option. However, Industry is my desired focus.
I am a new father so time is limited but I will be online when I can and I am up for most things. I also don’t mind using comms.
Recruiting self motivated players that are 18 years old or older. We have good all around members with all Time Zones represented. Come on out to nullsec with us.
What we offer:
Regular PvP Content
Capital PvP
Safe Sov Null for Ratting/Mining
FC Training
Corp & Alliance SRP incl. Capital Ships
Free Skillbook Program
Our Requirements:
Full API on file while a member of the Corp
Ability to use Discord and Mumble
Have a good attitude and be a team player
Have a dedicated PvP character
You must have fun and enjoy playing the game
Recruiting status: Open (Omega Only)
CEO - Ryac Sampaio
XO - Ellise Solette
Recruiters - Tweettweet5603 (EU), Nyne Vancloud (US)
Hey, @Cora_Atar ! I just started a corp to run public PVP fleets - and we also recruit vets and newbros to set up a solid corp besides the running of pvp fleets - a bit of pve, atm still in high sec 0.5 - but also in our low sec home, too (Kheram atm).
We want to achieve critical mass of players for the corp and not only for our discord and would be happy to have more miners/indy people who help our new and old players - so perhaps this is something for you: New? Old? Alone? Don't be - join Puffin Squads - Home of the Underdogs
We are a relaxed group and know all about RL aggro, job and kids - the corp just started out, but with public fleets and the new members there is always something to do when you have time and no pressure as we are all in the same boat - and we could really use a vet to help getting it up and running - check it out
hey, if you’re still looking and don’t mind flying with a lowsec pirate alliance, message me ingame for more info. We can use a few more indy pilots and have the infrastructure to help you out.