Crimson Vanguard - Combat pilots wanted! New player friendly

Want to do stupid stuff and get yourself blown up? You have come to the right place. Join the Crimson Vanguard!

We are the sword and shield that defends our people.
Loyalty & Bravery

  • New player friendly

  • All skill levels welcome

  • Training for new players

  • Ore buyback program

  • Free basic ships available

  • Doctrine SRP on specified fleets

  • Frequent PvP Fleets

  • Faction Warfare

  • LF Bomber pilots

  • LF Logi pilots

  • LF Exploration pilots

  • Recruiters needed

USTZ - (United States Time Zone)

We are based in the Amarr trade hub station.

Don’t think you make the cut?
Come find out. (We take new players)

Join us on discord! - Crimson Vanguard

Recruitment still open for both corps!!!

Your hardest question,
Do you want to go mining or shoot at stuff?

Dont pretend you dont want to join the fleet. Null roams and faction warfare await!

Small gang fleets! We help new players learn. Join us!

Loyal as a pack of wolves.
Crazy as a wolf with rabies.

Loyalty & Bravery
Combat pilots wanted!

  • Frequent PvP roams
  • Faction Warfare
  • Boosted mining fleets
  • Ore buyback program
  • Help learning the ropes of eve

Discord link:

thats ok, we take non combat pilots too. there is still a place for you here. ask us how we can help you in completing your goals.

Instantly jump into our handout ship or train into our basic ships and be useful within a week. Simplicity that works! either way, you get in the action right off the bat.
(the handout ship is still useful. every ship on grid helps.)

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