CSM Update #9

Once again a bit of an Update from the CSM.

TLDR come on, its six minutes, go watch



Thank you for the video, Mike.
Hopefully we won’t see what CSM argued against coming to the game.

I wish the Magic School Bus an early Happy Tenth Birthday :birthday::partying_face::tada:
And I bid you good day.


It’s ok if you can’t answer even such vague question but was the CCP vs CSM dispute you’ve mentioned about some new EVE Vanguard to EVE Online connection mechanics?

It’s hard not to “shoot the messenger” when the devs as a group are responsible for creating said message in the first place.

That said, there is something very important at the heart of that message – poke holes in the idea, not the person. And to the “messengers”: separate your heart from the work. Acting overly defensive to criticism as if the bad idea is a reflection of the quality of the person who made it makes it even harder to get things done. Problems must be identified before they can be fixed!

Usually this is mitigated both by having a team lead with some strategic thinking, long range planning, and forethought toward secondary impacts to curtail a lot of the ideas before too much dev time is spent implementing them for a test server. It also helps if said team lead, that is one step removed, provides said ideas for feedback vice the messenger is delivering their own baby to the wolves (CSM) for comment.
If the CSM is at the point of “hey, I know you are in the middle of explaining this, but we need to stop here because there are severe underlying issues”, it really reminds me of scenarios with fairly junior folks in a creative echochamber of other junior folks, with no senior level oversight, and coming up with ideas that fall flat on their face at first contact with the larger ecosystem (much like the recent null sec sov patch!).

Anyhow, I sincerely appreciate the time and effort you put into keeping the folks on the forums up to date with everything! Without Brisc on the list, it does feel like the forums really don’t get the attention they deserve from the CSM!


Hi Mike, thanks for taking the time to post another CSM update here in these forums.

Also gratz on the upcoming 10 year anniversary for your Magic School Bus program. Within those years it’s definitely been a great help to countless new players.

As for how to celebrate it, I think CCP should do it, lol… Basically they should implement a Statue of you in every Starter System to honor your commitment to providing that service…

Other than that, keep up the good work and fly safe…



Can you guess what topic was in the discussion that was mentioned at2:30 min in the podcast?

Will guess it was regarding the new SkinR