CT Is Recruiting! PvP, PvE & Indy Pilots Needed!

:milky_way: Crimson Talon :milky_way:

What We Do:

:boom: PvE:

  • Engage in ratting, mission running, and exploration.
  • Take part in Homefront operations and conquer pirate strongholds! :pirate_flag:
  • Grind standings and team up to complete the most lucrative missions available! :moneybag:

:pick: Industry:

  • Join our daily boosted mining fleets, participate in moon mining weekends, or dive into low and null-sec with our mighty ventures! :rocket:
  • Focus on gas harvesting, manufacturing, and research. :microscope:
  • Access BPCs for those eager to help build our empire! :building_construction:

:crossed_swords: PvP:

  • Experience the thrill of structure bashing and medium fleet operations.
  • Engage in small gang roams, black ops, and faction warfare for plenty of epic battles! :shield:
  • We also offer a safe holding corp for those not interested in war declarations. :european_castle:

What We Offer:

We provide a Ship Replacement Program (SRP) and cultivate a welcoming community. Crimson Talon is a chill, non-restrictive environment perfect for new players to grow. :seedling: For veterans seeking fresh experiences, we offer innovative approaches to keep the game exciting! :star2:

Our Goals:

As proud Amarr loyalists, we aim to eradicate the Minmatar Republic and its player-run faction warfare corps from New Eden! :crossed_swords: We strive to expand our influence while neutralizing any threats. Our strategy in warfare is politically drivenβ€”unless you’re deemed a scavenger in our territory. :no_entry_sign:

We operate independently with no alliance, prioritizing our own interests. Crimson Talon stands as a true hub of freedom in New Eden, ready to fight for others if the price is right, but always prepared to defend ourselves first! :eagle:

Apply in game or Check out our Discord β†’ Discord

Bump, Apply IG

Bump, On now

Bump! On Now

Bump! On now

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