Damage application

I haven’t used triglavians.

But when I’m considering a fight, I usually ensure I know the equipment and I ALWAYS bet the other guy is a moron.

I’ll try just about anything in a merlin… as long as I think the target can die to my dps and I don’t know it’ll instantly shred me. (I’ve jumped more than a couple ships I just couldn’t kill, no matter how long I shot them).

If you assume he knows what he’s doing, you’ll lose less and your killboard will be more greenerer, but you’ll miss out on the best fights of your career.

If you can imagine a scenario where your boat can kill his if he hits “orbit 500” and turns everything on, take the fight.

Or, if they’re coming through a gate and they’ve got any range at all… assume they’ll sit still (you can perform magic on these people who have no idea how you won)… especially if you carry missiles and an afterburner.

Your skills will land on a level all those green killboard clowns cannot even begin to compete with.

This is probably the best advise I have heard in a long time! Experience can spoil you and as you said when you assume your opponent is as competent as you are and you know how you would fit your opponents ship, you probably end up not fighting unless you know you are in a good shape to begin with.

To this day the best fights I had when I started to pvp in my Moa, just going for it and see if this can work or not.
Now years later I am assuming the worst and end up bailing more often than I’d like.


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