Dark Horse Cartel : LATE EU - EST TMZ Null / Skirmish PVP

We can use more people in our community. Join up. RL balanced with eve!! Also for the hardcore pvp’er such as myself!!!

Join today!! We have content and a community to go with it!

Join up. We have good times while accomplishing goals!

looking for strong leaders and ppl who want to become better to join my crew. We have goals and intend to carry them out.

Bump for an old corporation.

Join today for a new start.

New place. New time. Same intensity. Join up today!!

We were seated in beautiful Confessor ships. Join us in a destroyer.

Join up today. Still active in light of the new Corona-verse!!!

Join up today. Need new talent in our new environment!!.

Join us today in a small ship.

Join us in a small ship.

Join up. Looking for a new team to build!!! its not over yet… Corona-verse or not!!!

Join up!! building a new team. Plenty of resources and opportunity for you in corp!!!

Join up today!!

Join up today. Alot of opportunities at your finger tips!!

Join up and slain some stranger things!!!

