December Release - General Feedback

@anzelotte my apologies for replying to you, but this error in CCP judgement needs highlighting.

This was poorly thought out.

Given the Luminaire party hosts have publically stated they had collected 450,000 snowballs for their event…whoever designed this interface should have to click for the conversion to usable snowballs for the party, in penance for this debacle.

I have upon occasion criticized CCP for certain changes but I am aghast at this blunder.

CCP claims they want players to have “agency”…well this particular update belies that claim in a very public manner, during the holdays when good cheer should be paramount, and not a poor second lagging behind gambling gimmicks.

And as I understand it the Luminaire people will only receive 45,000 snowballs in return for their 450,000 snowballs. Another grinch move that needs to be mentioned publically.

CCP it is the holidays…good cheer and all that, bear that in mind for next year, assuming there is a next year.

The Luminaire event is something CCP should support, and not undercut in so meanly a manner.

Think people, think. It is not that hard given such events as the Luminaire party is an annual event, widely publicized and supported by many sections of the player base.

It boggles my mind this even happened at all.

It’s the holidays, CCP knows this. I can tell this by the big celebratory interface upon log in.


Please stop improving the UI. At the very least provide us the ability to opt out. I spend almost all of my time doing trading-related things in game and the new market and wallet UI’s are downright painful to use. And for that matter, why is some functionality that was in the old wallet UI now missing? We used to have the capability to filter transactions to only show expenses or revenue. This was very useful but is now mysteriously absent. What is going on over there?


Also, gambling? Seriously? Do you realize what this does to your reputation? I imagine I’m not the only one who won’t be buying any PLEX for the foreseeable future.



Would you please unhide my above posts?
They’re perfectly on-topic and actually are supported by others.


No, it does not.

Overall, bring back usable market UI.


Why is the casino opt-out and not opt-in?


I like the change you brought with this update.
Could you please consider putting back Export button on Market Orders?
I understand there were two Market Orders windows, one within Regional Market, the other withing Wallet. The former had an option to export market orders, the later didn’t. As you kept only the later window in latest update, you therefore removed the only option to export Market Orders.
You see, I wouldn’t mind too much, but remaining Market Orders window doesn’t allow to select all trades, so I can’t copy/paste them all for later use. I can only do select & c/p one by one and that’s not of any use. Strangely enough, the current Market Orders window is the only one I cannot gather all data in one go. And that’s not new, this is the same as it was before the update.
Regards, MdS

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  1. for Corporation Wallets, there are now and will always be 7 divisions, so for the Market/Transactions display windows, can the drop-down selector just show all 7 divisions (plus the ‘Any’)? because it’s silly and annoying to have to scroll through a very short list this bothered me with the old UI but now it’s update time, so please, update =) and also apply this to any other such drop selectors, like in Automatic Pay Settings (which shows 6 of the 7 divisions at a time and you have to SCROLL for the 1 additional option and there would never be more options than that)

  2. Can we please have the option - for our Market/Transaction lists - to REMOVE the “ISK” part of the prices/totals/etc because absolutely every listed transaction is in ISK - it’s never in PLEX or LP or anything else, always and only ISK, so having it there is unnecessary - maybe if other non-ISK transactions could end up in these lists then it makes sense but even then a new column for Currency might be nicer … WHY: because for people who actually care about these lists and large amounts of data, maybe we want to copy/paste the chart into a spreadsheet and get to mathing on it, but math operations don’t work well with text strings… SO if we could have the option to show/hide that text, super

  3. THANK YOU - for adding the corporation Wallet Division to the market order info lists

PS: I have to agree with many people that it was very unkind and unfun to melt all our snowballs and make us have to go manually refreeze them one at a time and at a rate of 1/10 …!! That’s just =( I was kinda just hoarding them, yeah, but some day I would go out and spend extended periods shooting snowballs at people and being festive, whenever I want, because that’s fun and nice … I can’t do that now, and I really won’t have fun spending time clicking the buttons just to recover 1/10th of my snowballs… very =(


I’ve posted this in another thread, but I feel like it belongs here aswell.

There’s a HUGE pet peeve of mine that CCPlz introduced to the market browser. You know, the thing that has all the categories of items in the box of the market window to the left? Yeah, when you double click on an item you’re either selling or buying or just want to view market details on an item, it expands that particular category. So, dozens, or even hundreds of items and that window is basically a flaming train wreck on a another train wreck, on another train wreck, on another train wreck… so on and so forth.

This garbage is INFURIATING!!! Who thought this idiotic, stupidly implemented, trash feature, was a good idea? Even worse, can’t turn it off. There is so much crap that needs an option to be turned off. Like the tool tips when you hover over an item. CCP Rise’s response “just set the delay to long and it’s basically off” Who educated you on the definition of ‘OFF’ my man? I feel like it’s my e-mail that gets bombarded with spam, only it’s in EVE.

Get rid of this crap, nobody asked you for it, nobody wants it, start acting like you know what you’re doing. There’s plenty of reasons CCP is never getting another dime of my money and why you’re game is circling the drain. Might want to start listening to your playerbase CCPlz.


I think they are talking about the category/item browser on the left side of the market window. When you click “view market details” on an item, it expands the category of where that item is listed in. It’s cancerous. Blows my mind that someone thought we would like a piss-poor idea of a feature like that. It’s awful for trading and industry. Trying to browse through blueprints and if you want to check the price of the produced item, it expands that area, then you have to scroll back up to where the blueprints are and repeat the process until your item browser is basically just a dumpster fire you have to put out with your spit and bare hands.

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I like the UI changes.

Anyone at CCP remember when Eve was a space ship game? Now it is something else.


It also fails to update regularly (mine is 100K LP behind the actual amount). Top notch design work on that.

Why does the Add button to add bounties not follow the same color scheme and button design as the Add Contact button? As it stands, Add does not look like a button at all.



It is nice that you improve the scroll bar visibility with this patch. Could you now please also fix the visibility of the different focus states of buttons? It is currently not possible to see which button in a menu is focused by default which is somewhat really annoying since some menus and notifications focus on Yes by default and others on No, which means you cannot just enter the notification away in some cases. It would really help if the button focus was visible.

New players experience improvements.

I have been playing Eve online on and off for over 15 years.
My first flight was in BETA, 2003.
Since then tutorial improved immeasurably, ( well back then there was no tutorial, I was 30 and didn’t need one :slight_smile: )
lately i was giving a thought why only 10% of players stay with the game.
I have registered new character and went through on-boarding tutorial and few first days.

Here are some thoughts what could be done to make adoption rate higher than puny 10%.

New players quit shortly because they don’t get to experience the most fun thing that Eve has to offer !!!
which is PvP
they engage into agent missions, or mining, and in a few days get bored, and quit.
How to combat that:
Organize PvP matches as part of tutorial. Set up some fights ( like Blue vs Red do )
put a GM to it, instead of hunting botters that has very dubious repercussions ( loosing 30% of customer base in a few months is a disaster for any business ) he/she may actually generate some revenue instead
I see it as some sort of arena. Make it easy to enter a match lets say frigs vs frigs, and the ship and equipment is 100% insured. New players will gladly jump to this, and will have lots of fun, as well as learning how to fight. For winning side do some cool prizes ( best prize is free skill points ). Do some medals, or awards for different achievements, like most damage dealt, or most damage avoided, best EW pilot, and so on, make those awards tradeable for skill points.

Also create some PvE group content for beginners. Most group content in Eve requires huge amount of SP and money, and takes very long time to get into. BY doing group PvE activities players make friends, and friends is what makes us come back to an online game like nothing else.
Rather than mindlessly mine or do tedious missions for hours, days, weeks, and then quitting out of boredom, new players will love Eve, and the adoption rate should go much higher.

more exciting loot for newbros.
Lvl 1 agent missions drop hardly any loot at all. Could drop some exotic ammo, and different devices so newbies can learn all kinds of devices and their usage in the game.

I am not claiming originality, possible other people suggested similar things, just sharing my point of view.


This is hot stuff! Thanks a ton!
:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :star_struck: :kissing_closed_eyes:



The final rendering is buggy!

That isn’t a bug, that is sun glare! /s