Bye, don’t let the door hit you on your way out(again.)
Almost 15 days later, the new wallet is still ridiculous… c’mon CCP, do something…
Yes. A raffle is basically a distributed scam over multiple victims.
If it’s for profit.
If it’s for a charity/non-profit, and you want the item being raffled, it can be a good thing. But that’s about it, otherwise it’s gambling that makes someone else money (unless you’re the seller, then it’s you it makes money).
Well, I don’t think you can assume that by calling them Entropic Disintegrators that they meant they destroy entropy just because the words mean “Entropy Destroyers” basically… Thermic ammo means it applies thermal damage to things, not that it shoots things that ARE thermal, after all.
So yeah, I would assume they meant it to mean that BY THE POWER OF (INCREASING) ENTROPY, we shall disintegrate/destroy/take you apart/whatever.
I agree with how irritating that “feature” is… but there IS kinda a way to turn it off. You just have to stay in the Quickbar tab of your market window 99% of the time when using the market and then it won’t keep auto-expanding the freakin’ categories! If you need to search on the market or look in a category, you can switch back to “Browse” but I recommend leaving it on “Quickbar” nearly all the time.
You can also use the new search dealie at the top left (right up there with the system icon, autopilot/route icon, missions, events, incursions, invasions, FW, etc.) to search for anything and then right-click-market-info to open it even while in Quickbar mode… and as for categories you can use ship tree for ships or you can use the fitting window’s ships/modules/ammo view to find things you might want to buy by category (obv. just set up a new quickbar folder for things you need access to a lot to make it easier on yourself).
Literally the last person I’d ask to do that.
As if anybody cares what the Wal-Mart Greeter has to say…
Welcome to Walmart, I love you.
Maybe people visiting walmart care? Probably not even them though.
That makes us even.
New Market UI - prominent PLEX total, but now that PLEX is (always was) so important, we should have a PLEX Transactions tab. This should list each transaction out of wallet, NES, CCP website purchase (where did my plex total come from?) and movement of plex from station hangers to the wallet. (on date you moved 50 plex from station xyz to wallet.)
They should have made the Rudolf filaments programmable with a destination - [insert carebear fears as listed on blackout thread here] - as for not logging on because someone may appear in system… why not forgo logging on in case a wormhole spawns?
Yes, i assume you are right, if “disintegrator” applies to target, not to entropy itself.
Still my first read of Entropy Disintegrator was that they disintegrate entropy, which would mean they reduce it, while they need to increase it to destroy things.
Based on that logic a Guided missile destroyer is an escort ship that is meant to destroy incoming guided missiles and a Torpedo bomber is something meant to bomb torpedoes. Instead it is a guided missile based destroyer or a destroyer equipped with guided missiles and a bomber equipped with torpedoes, the same way it is instead an entropy based disintegrator or a disintegrator that increases entropy.
only difference is that you are talking about SHIPS not weapons, different naming logic and terminology.
However, i do agree that for purposes of the game you can spin it anyway you want, as long as there is understanding that to destroy things we need to increase entropy which is a bit counterintuitive.
When you say entropy disintegrator, to me it reads as a device that disintegrates entropy. ( not the same as entropic destroyer )
entropy based disintegrator different terminology, isnt it ?
id think a name: “entropy booster” would be proper, but doesnt sound dramatic enough in the game context
“Entropy disintegrator” sounds much more dramatic but wrong from physics point of view, unless manual says it boosts entropy of the body it is applied to
Not a native English speaker so not sure if for a native speaker there is such a “rule” or nuance or basic understanding that differentiates the two situations (naming ships vs naming weapons), so I can only speak from my point of view and to me there doesn’t seem any that is why I brought those examples. I assume that is how CCP meant the name of the weapon which seems logical, or they simply put together fancy words that together sound semi-legit too and went with it, who knows.
Yep, I gotcha. Let’s just hope (or assume?) they meant for it to apply to the target and not entropy itself, as you said.
Always assume it’s about the target! ;D (what else is there, damnit!)
The only thing you need to remember about English is that it’s filled with inconsistent rules and exceptions and… it exists purely to be frustrating to both native speakers and those who learn it later in life, so no worries there. Always assume it’s a trick question when English appears to be toying with you (it usually is).
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