December Release - General Feedback

I can understand CCP to get rid of old items which are outdated. But doing it this sneaky way, hoping that nobody will notice it, is just sad. I even tend to say it’s cowardly.
Why not upgrading the Snowballs into Yoiul Blizzard Fireworks or take them out of the game and reimburse the current market value to the player?

Yeah, today it’s only Snowballs. Tomorrow it’s about SKINS where player paid real money for.

Regarding the new wallet and market tool: Yes the look is “new” and “fresh”, but its usability - and that’s the important thing - worse than the old.



This post December Release - General Feedback a day earlier would have been better. Therefore I take my harsh statement against CCP back and do apologize.


please allow the size of the L Locations window to be made smaller… currently you can’t even drag it smaller than it’s default column widths…

also the “overview” page of the wallet… while cute… is pointless since it contains no links to actual transactions.

we all know the real reason you did this Wallet Update … to make the PLEX button giant, front and center ;p

then you put Total Isk on the left side, even though it’s always been on the right size. No need to give everyone brain whiplash.

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The new wallet UI is damn fly. Amazing work on that, y’all. <3


Having a new window for market orders is ridiculous. There was nothing wrong having it as a tab in the wallet window. Who at CCP comes up with this crap?

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I have a few questions.

In the wallet overview

What the heck is Trade? Is that player to player trades or market transaction? If it is market transactions, why is called trade?

What is transfer? Is it contracts or what the heck is it? If it is contracts, why is not called contracts?

The 30 day total. Is it a running total of the 30 days or something else?

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new “this order is yours” highlighting is NOT ENOUGH.



No… it doesnt lol… you have gotten many other better solutions than this. Why another window OMG… what is so hard to understand? … At least put an exclamation mark on the Location option just like Repackage …

Oh and make the jita trade hub grid a non-anchorable zone. People have been abusing that space for years now with all their space trash. Clean that space up CCP.

I used to be able to access my market orders from the wallet, but now it seems tha tI need to click Regional Market then a Market Orders button there. Seeing as there is a ton ofspace on the left hand column in Wallet, can you readd a link to market orders there please.


Under the finance section of the iHub there is a market orders icon now that you can drag to your main bar. One click for market orders, and the window can be tiny.

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Do what I do: disable blinking on all toons for the ENTIRE NEOCOM. I hate the blinking, I turned it all off. Screw it.


Oh dear. Well, glad I got in on that 11 skins for 11 plex each deal back in 11-11 and even though a few Black Friday skins tempted me I held back and… well, let’s just say… I’ll be waiting quite some time for things to stabilize before spending any ISKies on plex for more skins. I hope people keep selling skins on market, at least, and it’s not all done through the hypernet relay from now on. ;_;

Wait, what? Snowballs are gone? Damnit, it was time for the yearly snowball and fireworks party in Luminaire that Commander A9 runs every December NEXT SUNDAY and now you tell me there’s no snowballs?!! … … …



Actually, you may access Market Orders faster now than you could before, because being an independent window, you don’t need to access it from some other window, be it Market or Wallet. You may add a keyboard or a Neocom shortcut to open it directly.

And if you don’t want it to be a separate window, you may stack it with any other window you want, including Market or Wallet.


Not sure how that is faster than clicking wallet > market orders as I used to do, withouth having to stack anything or a shortcut. It was an unneccesary change to move it.

If you don’t see how that’s faster, then you misunderstood something… May want to read what I said again… If you’re interested in knowing how to make the best use of those features, that is…

it’s indeed faster now.
neocom > finances > market order add shortcut. then you just use the shortcut.

In the Wallet you collapse the NUMBERS?!? Really??? Why do you open your Wallet? Surprise, surprise… to see the numbers.
The new Wallet window shows unhidable crap with its one third (left plus top). Pie chart is nice, but totally not worth of effort. Maybe to put it to Activity tracker, which is full of very nice but worthless stuff, should be better than taking Wallet space from industrialists and traders.


Yeah, someone further up thread mentioned that the collapse option in the wallet hides the most useful information… that’s kinda funny in a dark sort of way. You gotta laugh, man… or else you’ll cry, right?


From what I gather so far from the ranting here and the ranting in things liek the chat window changes is either:
A) a large portion of players run Eve on a toaster plugged into a 600x400 monochrome monitor
B) 5 people that multibox 20 accounts need every mm of screen space and are ranting with all of their alts.

Yes, pretty much this. Screen space is at a premium when you’re turning your super-1337 PC into a toaster/potato by multiboxing a metric ton of horse pucky’s worth of alts on however many monitors you have. On a more serious note, CCP does keep adding new windows and subwindows that we don’t have as much control over the height and width of… if this keeps up, we might be able to use about 5% of our screen space to actually see… space.