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Max you could go ?

I linked my max based on the value of character in current market.

@Rinaya_Sogereya The character is far below my wished skill level

Best I can offer you is 2.4b, I’d go try an sell it elsewhere mate :slight_smile:

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Im sorry I didn’t see it anywhere.

@Anguilla_anguilla Best I can do is 25.5b Price?

@Seryniti_Nevermind 8.5b

what you can offer for me?

Price Check on this guy

@Balani 110b

@Clone_Pappotte 12.5b

@Nosveratau 65b 你弽

@GG_W_Yaken 20.5b

How about this guy?

@Super_Mommabear 34.5b

need more chars! :slight_smile:


Can do 60b

Almost 5b off on the maths…

It seems your math is off… you plebs always Forget taxes… you must evade them so much in realife that u never think of them :slight_smile:
