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would like to sell my eve account

Sorry but that is too low SP a character for me to buy.

Can do 97b for this character :slight_smile:

Can do 33.5b but I request that you post here with the actual character being sold

You can’t sell Accounts on the forums only individual characters as per CCP rules

what can you suggest me?

can do 30b

35B offer

Kyle Davron i Bid you 37 buyout

ok. go

still valid?

Yes it is if iam at home i will send youthe isk . At this time youn can leave your corp and prepare for transfer. At 14:30 european time i will transfer the isk . Iam at the covid station at the moment . :wink: After work inwill do is this ok? Pls add me ingame .

38b offer

i accept your bet

@aiwaeve & @Karl_Golfmann
If you could both please not hijack other players forum posts that would be nice, go make your own.

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Kyle davron you accept my bet hours ago as buyout whats your problem now …

offer? :slight_smile: <3

Can do 6b my friend :slight_smile:

45b offer