Dev Blog: A closer look at the CSM 13 voting numbers

Click on the “Dev Post” button at the top and you’ll see a ton of posts, the most recent of which is three hours ago.

Yeah. I remember quite different times. Now they cut community team and put the CSM before regulars players. Do you know how many times I could post “we told you so…”?

How fruitfull was roadmap meeting btw?


Pretty good. Some of the stuff we talked about was released at EVE Down Under.

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I especially like presentation by CCP Enis.

but is it made for years or months to come?

My favorite CCPer.

Monoclegate? For example.
Were you upset about that at the time?

Why does the length matter?

They’re running a business and trying to make money. That has the benefit of keeping the game servers online for the rest of us and ensuring continued development.

I think, looking back, it’s clear that the fears everybody had about the Monocle were overblown. We’ve had microtransactions for skins and the like and the game hasn’t died.

That doesn’t make them the enemy because they’re trying to find ways to monetize the game beyond subscriptions. EVE was the first, and remains one of the very few, that lets players pay for subscriptions with in-game currency. That’s not the kind of thing an evil capitalist company who only wants to suck your wallet dry would do. Could ever see EA doing that? No.

We’re all in this together. Sure, CCP makes mistakes - we all do. But they’re not the enemy.

That’s Star Citizen.


CCP has always earned more money from PLEX thna from subscription. Also, until not so long ago, CCP allowed PLEX to be destroyed, effectively getting money for nothing.

(intentionally quoted without context)

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It’s all about width :wink:

If they shown you what next patch will have that’s not roadmap, that’s what they are working currently. Imagine Seagull roadmap with milestones at each year It was 5 year plan. We don’t see any of it because they have none. Seagull had a vision, nobody have it now.

Seagull had a vision and plans and this and that … But did not have EXECUTION and Eve was stalled in 5 year stagnation…

thats fine and dandy for you to say but the problem is the tone in my post from the perspective of one of a growing number of players that has lost faith in ccp.

What would it take for you to renew that faith in them?

Dumping the CSM would be a start.

People bought and flew the Astero frigate before it dropped below 200 mil ISK.

But that said, the Astero is likely a better frigate (at most things) than the Damavik…

People also bought and flew the Pacifier frigate well above 200 mil ISK.

People are taking marshalls into ded sites, people flew 1,5 bil Nestors before, so what? To even start try to do something with new hull they must be obtainable. We have fitting tool now, no need to buy overpiced hull to mess around with it.

It took few day to stabilize price for T3Ds, week maybe? Why? They are usefull.

There’s also Sisi to just screw around with a new ship you want to try out and if you don’t like it, you never need spend the cash on it on TQ.

Was just saying, plenty of people will fly 200+ mil ISK frigates since you asked (probably rhetorically, but still! ;D), that’s all.

I use a pair of leshak for DED sites .What’s not obtainable?