Dev blog: Moon mining revamped - There’s Ore in Them Thar Moons

My question is, will this moon mining be exclusively for lowsec causing major alliances in NULL to utilize the war declaration feature in-game? Currently wardecs are really for highsec and a broken feature.

What? You don’t need to declare war to shoot lowsec structures. No one cares about standings; that’s what neutral shopping alts are for.

A member? Yes. Active? No. He was working for CCP while the CFC was a thing.

Killboard activity says different.

Maybe CCP’s API tells lies. Or we have very different understandings of what an active player is…

You are aware that “Goonswarm” isn’t part of the CFC or Imperium, right?

You do just make his up as you go…

Without the giant bluedonut there would be no Goonswarm…
And to even suggest otherwise is either a straight out lie or you are very niave.

Try reading your own propaganda

Perhaps you should set your d-scan to show towers. Low is full of active towers on moons, both extracting from valuable moons and running reaction chains.

They are there on all the money moons right now, and yes this change will do what you want, since they have to bring miners to fill up local, offer you targets and show their presence for hours at a time, not a cyno alt, jf onto docking ring, 10 minutes with a local hauling ship and then jf gone, for another 30 days. (all the extra effort of which is probably going to just free up moons for locals).

You could go survey a low region right now if you wanted to see where it stands currently.

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Well since it is on the table of discussion at your instance. We can talk about the elephant. The Jump Freighter 90% was always intended to be a temporary measure. We’ve long since past the Expire Date when then this should be re-visited and scaled back. There has been plenty of time for Null/Low to implement measures for the eventual removal of the training wheels. Thanks for bringing it up, over to CCP for an answer.

Let me hold your hand on this one: Goonswarm and Goonswarm Federation are two different entities.

All I can see is that he was there for a couple of months in 2013, lost a few ships in 2014 and then coming back in 2016 and splintering into Goonswarm, which is not the same as Goonswarm federation and not part of the Imperium.

Towers, yes
People, no

That is my problem. (And I think it is a problem of the game too)

And exactly the problem these changes are going to address.

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I hope they will, time will tell.

Personally I would err towards boosting losec and smaller groups/solo players opportunities as they need the help most. Querns already said that moon mining is no longer a major part of their income and it doesn’t matter to them even if it fails. By that judgement it would be better to spread the benefits out more to those areas and player groups who need it more.

LOL, you linked the scam site. You retard.

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Well, that all depends on how moon mining shakes out. Right now, Delve is almost completely self-sufficient. One of the few things we’re forced to import is moongoo – the regional nature of R32s and R8s require at least someone to import in order to make local T2 production possible.

If the new design eliminates regionally-locked moongoo, I’ll be right behind you. After all, Mutually Assured Destruction is a bargain Goonswarm Federation is almost always prepared to accept, and we’d be practically giddy to accept a change that utterly ruins everyone else in the game and hands us the keys to power by dint of our superior organization and production.

I agree that these particular changes will be good for lowsec, but in general I think the best approach to lowsec is nerfing highsec incomes. You want the isk, you take the risk. I would rather not have buffs to lowsec that draw null alliances in, which it was rightly pointed out that moons in their current state do. I think the moon mining changes will help reduce that.

However, I also think it’s important not to measure the value of lowsec by its population. Low should be sparsely populated anyway, and it’s going to look even emptier than it is if you just fly through because people don’t stay in one place very long.

One thing I wouldn’t do is assume that other null alliances will cope with the coming changes the way GSF says they will. Goons have been pretty public about moving their income away from moons for a while now, and the monthly economic report reflects that if you look at Delve. You don’t see similar activity elsewhere, except maybe Deklein to a much lesser extent. It will be interesting to see if NC., PL, etc. form up mining fleets because I don’t see any indication that they’ve got anything else going on in their regions.

Edit: looks like Querns has confirmed this while I was typing. I’m going to assume he knows more about the state of other null alliances than I do. I’m now very curious what those alliances intend to do to support their operations.

My guess is raising renting prices but nobody know yet how high the market for systems will go.

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Is it just me, or is this going to be the exactly like how Rorquals played and CCP nerfs the hell out of them after they’ve gotten all the £££££ out of players :joy:

How do you plan to PLEX/skill inject your way to refineries? Train anchoring and the reprocessing skills to get your refinery on a moon and get slightly better refine rates?

It’s not really that good of a cash grab push if that would have been the goal.

Everybody knew a moon rebalance has been coming for years. I barely play this game and never touched a moon and I knew it.