Dragon. Is recruiting WTB moar miners

A set of rules to have fun:
1 Firts rule of the Dragon corporation: we always talk about it!
2 Even if we do not see each other face to face, we can still be sociable creatures.
3 Maybe some love drama queens, you can love them, but please do not be like them.
4 And the most important rule: do not forget to have fun. So sex, drugs, and rock and roll!!

We are looking mainly for miners and industrials at the moment but everyone is welcome

We need a ton of miners… WTB miners… We got belts that remain untouched… HEEEEELP. (hisec mining corps welcome to merger talks)

What we can offer to you is this:


  • a null sec system for your needs - whatever those may be-.
  • 1 (one) starter ship depending on your profession
  • lots of hints and tips from experienced players
  • last but not least - a good and established group of friends who enjoy the game.


  • the entire of drone regions as a blue territory where you can roam *
  • constant mining fleets
  • different pvp fleets for every skill level
  • a good and healthy community of players
  • acces to voice coms and forums with a ton of information

You can find us in-game under the Dragon. channel
Or on our public discord https://discord.gg/2BgS8Zv

*same restrictions may apply

O/ still recruiting

Checking up on this thread…

Looking for miners and industrials…

Accepting corporate mergers but only after a proper negociation


We are still recruiting… Just saying

I recently joined Dragon. and everybody has a mature attitude.

Mature but fun… And free… Never forget free…

Edited it… Because my dumb ass forgot to say what we are looking for… Damn

Joke of the day

Minmatar ships don’t really explode, they just divide into smaller Minmatar ships.

Stolen from eve joke megathread :blush:

If you are looking to relax with other pilots on Mumble, then you are welcome to join Dragon.

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Many members answer some questions in the corporation chat. Be a part of a useful group.

Join a social group of characters on Mumble. We enjoy a relaxed atmosphere.

I am thinking about the sun.

Some mining pilots would have a seat in Dragon.

A relaxed miner has joined us yesterday,

Amazing corp.

New and old pilots are welcome to join Dragon.

Caught my attention. I am interested in mining on a casual basis. Where can I get more information about Dragon Corp?

Medium sized mining pilots are welcome in Dragon

All the info is there… In the main thread