Drone question

Hello is there a certain skill you train to get more than 5 active drones I seem to hit my limit?

Nope, 5 is the max, from there on you can only skill to make them more powerful.

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What skill makes drones bigger?


I mean skilling up will allow for medium and then large drones.

Technically, you are wrong. Gaurdian Vexor gives an extra drone per level of gallente cruiser i believe, so that is another skill that would increase your drone count.


When we’re at it one can also control more drones if alt(s) and/or friend(s) assign their drones to them to control.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of EvE, where one drone is never just one drone :+1::rocket:

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That is akin to someone asking if it is possible to reach 150 mph (250 kph) in a car and being told it is possible… in a Bugatti. :wink:

For all the newbies reading this; the Guardian-Vexor is a special ship that was given as a prize years ago. I think there are less than half a dozen left in the game.


I assume that’s why he included the term “technically” to signify that it is a technicality (sort of exceptional but existing possible alternate solution) instead of a “valid” answer.


If you feed your drones too much and don’t exercise them enough, they get fat and lazy. :slight_smile:


Five drone maximum - that tournament ship is a one off. The limit is for good technical reasons. The position and function of each drone is tracked in the server and communications between the player’s client and the server the same way that ships are. This is a big overhead which is behind the limitations.

However, if by more drones you mean “I want to kill things faster or mine faster with drones” there are quite a few skills that help.
Drone Interfacing increases the damage a drone does (and mining yield) by 10% per level - train it to Level IV and that’s as good as another couple of drones over your five.
The drone individual skills, Light, Medium and Heavy drones at 5% to that drone size’s DPS.
The racial drone specialisations also help.
Drone Navigation increases your drone speed. This reduces the time they take from you giving N attack instruction to them applying damage. Drone Sharpshooting helps here as well.
Drone Durability does what it says, it gives your drones more HP which reduces the chance of them being popped.

They are a weapon system, and like Turrets and Missiles they have a range of extremely useful support skills that improve over all effectiveness. Ignore those skills at your peril.


And if you switch between passive and aggressive stance too much they become passive-agressive. You don’t want that.



That is still somewhat of an improvement over early drone behavior in EVE.

There used to be a time where they would say, “■■■■ this” and and attack a fleetmate rather than the intended target!

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