Duckzer Mining Corporation

Weekly Blops fleets have now become a thing too.

Find your way to the nearest Duckz Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Duckz Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Find your way to the nearest Duckz Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

which region does your corp work in? Tennerifis or detroid

We are back recruiting! :slight_smile: We live in Detorid

Your spot in Duckz awaits you! Stop by today!

Feeling quacky? You might just have found your spot!

Bumping Duckzer Style

Selectively Recruiting, join our in game channel today :slight_smile:

Duckz are quacking ready to recruit those who are deemed worthy :smiley:

Find your way to the nearest Duckz Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required)

Selectively Recruiting

Recruiting Nonetheless little dust up vs pan fam and other dudes

duckzer recruitment is the in game chat channel

Bumping :slight_smile:

Find your way to the nearest Duckz Suicide Squadron recruitment center today! (No sanity required) a small fight with Slyce. Come get some :slight_smile:

Bumping with style