[DYVN] Defying Vision is Recruiting Pilots! USTZ

Had a nice fight last night…check out the KB and join us!

Keep it going. Lets talk!!

Still recruiting…Join us!

Doing a bit of mining, pvp, etc. Want to just relax and enjoy the game…come check us out.

Lets go again. Check us out!

Lets keep it going.

Great place to jump back into the game or start as a new player. Really friendly people and they are actually willing to be patient with you. Great JOB

Thank you for that post Lucious. We work as a group and there is plenty of isk to be made in our space. Come hang out and over all just have some fun…PVP OPs are not a requirement, however we welcome those that want to. Check us out.

Lets go another round!! Still Recruiting!! Looking for active members to add to our corp.

Come check us out!!

Keep them coming. Already have a great group, but looking to boost our number and bring in some more good peeps that are active.

Enjoying good isk…fun PVP and chillin with a good group…what’s not to like!! Check us out!

Lets keep going. Hit me up for a convo.

LF more members to bring into the corp. We have a good solid infrastructure. Just a group here having some laughs even at my expense…lol…Check us out!

Up again.

check us out!!

If anyone tells you that there is no isk to be made in low sec, they are sorely mistaken. Mining, Ratting, PVP, Industry…you name it. Come check us out. Hang out with us and see what its all about. Jump in our discord or hit me up in game. Want to become a better pvper and make good isk…Low sec is the place.

Keep it going.

Bumping up. Check us out.

Lets keep going!! Stop by and check us out.