Eden Trades Halloween Trick or Treat 20bil treats and PVP brawl [carrier, freighter, injectors, plex, ships!]

3ish days away!

The brawl fleet is ready (other carriers are staged elsewhere.

Thats a big fleet right there wonder how much people will we need to kill that

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Bring all the people XD

Less than 24 hours away from the start of the event!

8ish hours away!

Rest of the treats are now in Stacmon!

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Awesome event. Thank you for providing content

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It was nearly 3am by the time I was finished with Twitch vs EVE so I was only able to pop in for a few minutes, shoot some fireworks and give a wave in local. There was a lot of people around so it looks like it was a successful event!

Overall cool event just hard for EU peeps to attend

Thanks for the event!

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