I am getting errors on calling item id 29668
This gives me a #value error
=MIN(EVEONLINE.MARKET_ORDERS(10000002, 29668, 0).price)
this gives me a field error
However, Item 999 (the default for ORDERS) and 587 (default for STATS) works just fine in both.
for those who do not know 29668 is PLEX, or is supposed to be?
I asked something similar a while ago… it has to do with the plex call being an account and being limited.
PLEX Vault - EVE Technology and Research Center / EVE x Microsoft Excel Add-in - EVE Online Forums
Oh, your post makes sense. I was more wanting the market information on it though. Not the vault value itself. But the actual item.
But maybe they locked it down so much, that any pulls with that ID gets denied.
I will accept this reason for why it fails to work. And just have to enter it manually.
Thank you.
On my first page EVEONLINE.INVENTORYSEARCH(“plex”,1).ID returns 44992. Which is strange cause I recognized 29668 as being PLEX with my first answer.
Yes the 29668 is giving me errors. The mystery deepens.
Use 44992 to call market orders for plex. It will work.