EU Time Recruting Corps / Members /Returnig players Null Sec /RHP or HS

Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance. RHP

Welcome at Federation of Respect, Honor, Passion.

We are a coalition of alliances and corporations under the umbrella of the RHP Federation, represented in both Nullsec and Highsec.
We speak mainly German and English, but have players from many different countries and timezones.

Our alliances:

Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance. (Nullsec wing)

For corps looking to join our alliance or for questions , please speak to a diplomat:

For individuals looking to join us, please visit our Discord, Respect Honor Passion

► RHP Public Channel
► RHP Discord
► RHP Teamspeak:

We are looking for:

► Pilots of any timezone
► PVP Pilots
► PVE PIlots (Miners, Industrialists, Traders, Ratters)
► Highsec corporations //Hs wing
► New corporations looking to get started in Nullsec
++ Spays,Metagaming,Indu,Mining,Transport,Diplos ,CEO.s ,Trading etc etc
[[EU/US TZ]]

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We are looking for:

► Pilots of any timezone
► PVP Pilots
► PVE PIlots (Miners, Industrialists, Traders, Ratters)
► Highsec corporations //Hs wing
► New corporations looking to get started in Nullsec
++ Spays,Metagaming,Indu,Mining,Transport,Diplos ,CEO.s ,Trading etc etc
[[EU/US TZ]]

EN/DE - Nullsec - NeoSerenity Virpio
Discort ; Respect Honor Passion
or LIVE Recruting Twitch

Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance. DISCORD JOIN LINK Twitch

Hs or 0sec

[DE/EN+18] Anfängerfreundlich Tips,Trading,Mining,Orca Boost,Publicfleet Deutsch/Englisch Come chat about + BOXGAME und Recruting Hilfe . Twitch gg

Twitch Live Recruting

ツ ツstart up program for corpsツ ツ or Allianc No TAX ,or Renter?

Newcomers ,returnees
or old hands the focus of our alliance is in PVE, PvP is in ZEROsec Producing, trading,mining, no taxes, for corps or alliances, Or prefer renter, 0sec ,want to know more —> [11:10:17] EVE-System > Chatkanal-MOTD: Twitch
Bitte fliegen sie weiter, hir gibts nichts zu sehn :wink:


World Trade Organization <—

Trevor’s Overyuo

ツ ツstart up program for corpsツツ Or Pilots

ツ ツstart up program for corpsツツ osec or hi sec

start up program for corpsツツ Or Pilots


We are looking for:

► Pilots of any timezone
► PVP Pilots
► PVE PIlots (Miners, Industrialists, Traders, Ratters)
► Highsec corporations //Hs wing
► New corporations looking to get started in Nullsec
++ Spays,Metagaming,Indu,Mining,Transport,Diplos ,CEO.s ,Trading etc etc
[[EU/US TZ]]

newbies ,returnees
or old hands the focus is pvp,
and everything that is allowed in the game.
-PvP- -Industry- -PvE- -Trad- -Drama-
0sec hs And losec WH // SRP
PvP Events // Filament Running //pve /Miner
Ability to work in a team, but also self-reliance
To Tax No Corp Taxes Ts3
EU // USTZ // German // English

ツ ツstart up program for corpsツツ osec or hi sec


ツ ツstart up program for corpsツツ Oder Piloten

ツ ツstart up program for corpsツPilotsツ“Recruitment still open”

Good morning
I present I’m Adams Kev I’ve been playing Eve online for 8 years and I have a questions don’t hesitate for sure all the same I have a discord know Adamskev #4152 and my activity know PVE and pvp and manufacturing T1 ships and I’m alpha and if you don’t understand me at all I have a disability problem and I make a lot of spelling mistakes and I am not yet an omega for the moment know to warn you anyway if you speak in English or French or any foreign languages

newbies ,returnees
or old hands the focus is pvp,
and everything that is allowed in the game.
-PvP- -Industry- -PvE- -Trad- -Drama-
0sec hs And losec WH // SRP
PvP Events // Filament Running //pve /Miner
Ability to work in a team, but also self-reliance
To Tax No Corp Taxes Ts3
EU // USTZ // German // English