(CORP FOUND) EU-TZ Returning (but may as well be Newbro) Player LF NS Corp

Hello Gerrus

You could go all into null sec and join a corp there that you will join fleets in and rat and possibly mine as a number in a massive alliance where no one and I mean no one will care about you or your goals in the game or you could join a small and growing corp like what I run.

I run a pirate corp that is not in null but in low sec.
We have small numbers (30), so that people we fly with feel like they belong to something and that what they do helps all of us.
We live in a low sec border which means we have a high sec right next door and is about 13 jumps away from Jita and 7 from Dodixie.

If you want that massive I am but a number feel in the game then I hope you find what you looking for.
If you want to feel like you belong somewhere and you apart of a family of killers then we might just be what you looking for.

That’s the TLDR version
If you want the more in-depth version then please click the link below and read about us. Come say hello in our discord and let’s have a chat.

Thank You
Eric Shang