If you want something smaller and close-knit then check out ‘Always Take the Bait’ based in Immensea. Feel free to convo me in game if you want a chat, as I’m not into hard selling people or promising things I can’t deliver.
I want to pass some information along to you that may be able to assist in your search for an alliance. I would love to hear back! you can hit me up either in game (Reaper Avada or Grim Avada), or on discord - reaperavada
Thank you for your time, I hope you find this information interesting.
ratting tax:
5% of total ratting income
corp moon tax program
1% R4
5% R8
10% R16
15% R32
– R64 moons will be owned and operated by the alliance if we obtain a system with one
occupied moons: the occupying corp can make their own rules for who can / can’t mine them. see their CEO / leadership if you’re interested in mining their moons.
Structure ownership:
Corporations are allowed to operate their own medium stations (raitaru, astrahaus, athanor) other station ownership may be approved by alliance executives should they be needed or requested.
corporations are responsible for fitting, and fueling their own stations / POS towers.
Fleet participation:
No fleet tracking requirement – corps are asked to have their members train into our doctrine pvp ships (caracal, ferox, Gila, tempest doctrine + support ships, plus any others that we may add)
current rates: 1500 isk per M3 with 1% collateral fee if collateral is used from our staging system to Jita.
CVA is recruiting corps, we’ve been around since 2003 so we’re not going anywhere. We live in Providence, we’re no longer NRDS. We’re similar to you guys in a lot of ways – a lot of nullsec veterans, we want to expand the right way and we’re building something here.
We have R64 moons, alliance and corp-rented
We have a full industrial setup or 2
No fleet tracking etc but we ask that corps poke members to join our CTAs & strat ops
We have SRP up to & including caps (supers are flown at your own risk)
We’re not aligned with either of the major blobs so half of null isn’t blue to us
If you’re interested send an EVEMail to me, Equinox Daedalus and/or Trony.