[EU/US] Shadow Legion X is recruiting! [0.0/C5 WH PVP] - Best content in game w/ 24/7 PVP!

bump :stuck_out_tongue:

Bump again!!


Bump bump, still recruiting




Bump bump bump!!

Another bump, we’re still actively recruiting!

Bump - also, moved here from the blobby null sec boredom, 0 content, unless its f1 fleet stuff.

Havent regretted it.
amazing fun, worth trying!

Hey there! If you’re still recruiting I’m kind of interested. I’ve never done wormhole life, however the null static seems like a lot of fun.

This is not my main, I will lurk and introduce myself in the public channel (I was there last night but only one dude from another Corp in alliance was on).

The small gang nano stuff interests me, my current Corp on my mains only does uninteresting fleet comps in my eyes. :frowning:

Hope to talk to you guys soon.

Hey not to worry. We all came from nullsec and thats totally okay. If you can’t find one of us ingame I recommend you join our discord as we are way more reachable there. We currently have limited recruiters and we have jobs etc. Hope you understand and I hope to talk to you soon!




Still recruiting god pvpers


Anooother bump

Buuump, looking mainly for USTZ pilots, EUTZ recruitment is vey selective


bump :stuck_out_tongue: