Established alliance in a content WH with one of HIGHEST pvp in game looking for a USTZ corp to join


I will post our information down below but first let me describe what we do.

We’re SUS or Seriously Suspicious who is basically Shadow Legion X corporation, along with a sister corporation Shadow Legion Y (sister newbie corp) and we specialize in all sorts of PVP. We currently live in a C2 wormhole that has nullsec and C5 statics and we are looking for a USTZ corp to join us in this said wormhole we call home to live alongside SLX. It’s the best content wormhole in the game because we are able to rageroll nullsec at all times, and we get a lot of connections through our C5 chain.

We do everything from nano roams, to black ops, to capital dunking, occasional dreadbombs, ESS fights, large-scale WH brawls, you name it. That being said, we have no blues (except when we are on ops we temp-blue some groups if needed), we are stable and very active in EUTZ.

You might be wondering why we’re looking for a USTZ corp? Well to put it in short, we would love to expand into USTZ timezone in our wormhole, meaning that people can get online at any time of the day and have fleets and content running at all times. Ourselves we have roughly 10 people in USTZ and we’d love to bring that up.

To any corp that would join us we are able to provide logistics, ships in wormhole, we have farmholes available, SRP program and etcetera.

Here’s the link to our recruitment thread.

Some basic requirements we’re looking for from a corp:

  • Must have at least 100 members in corp (alt included)
  • Stable zkillboard with decent activity
  • Must have recruitment requirements for omega pilots, preferrably 50 mil +
  • Have an active FC team (or even one really active FC that could provide content in USTZ)
  • Must have members willing to learn how to scan (we are happy to teach this and have guides), use Pathfinder (mapping tool for WH’s) and use teamspeak 3 for comms.
  • English proficiency in the corp is a must

Here’s link to our videos (slightly outdated as we’ve had numerous other videos posted but not linked there, however video contents represent what we do a lot)

Any corps interested, reach out via forum PM’s or on discord at “.allerion”

Still looking

Still looking!
