EVE_NT London - Saturday, November 17th 2018

My Partner, myself and a couple of others representing both 6E and The Thieves Guild will be there. Rooms and travel booked and getting hyped to see you all again :slight_smile:

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Flying squid wolf


Sixth Empire will represent as always! <3

Cake? <3

Hoping to be there but will check my work calendar nearer the time.


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Maybe… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::heart_eyes:.

I will be there again :heart_eyes:

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will be there

I’ll be there :wink:
I’ll try not to steal anything of high value, but I cannot make any guarantees <3

Toni o/
Thieves Guild

I’ll be there, different work uniform this year than last. I’ll be in the black CBRE suit. Oh can we get power outlets this year? So we can train the alphas. :smile:

will be there again!

Will be there

I shall be in attendance

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I shall be attending. :+1:

Will be attending.

plane tickets and hotel for that weekend booked!!!

so +1

My wife and I will be flying across the pond to join the festivities this year! Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones. I’m sure Ill have some swag left over from Vegas to share


It is entirely possible that I will be there.

I will be there of course