‘Staff’ would cover this as well - they’re contract staff instead of direct employees, but still staff.
Muslim is not a language you nitwit…
If you are going to raise a point like this at least make sure you use it correctly.
Also… since we are at it… Why can I not have an Afrikaans help channel. I demand an Afrikaans help channel.
Lets have a christian and Buddhist help channel too. Zoroastrian help channel would be nice.
Definitely nothing kind about the interaction with ISD. There was sense of intolerance and there were threats made from the ISD. A new player was left confused and disappointed with the game and its staff… This is now how you grow your player base.
When the rules are constantly being looked over and other people are constantly trying to get people go to the right channels and no one listens, would you have the patience to be “kind” or be told to go to a private chat or the correct channel… you two are not the first two to arrive in rookie, and attempt to speak another langauge that isn’t english…
Yeah it is called common courtesy and professionalism. The rules are racially discriminatory.
Would you rather an option to press 1 for English or 2 for Espanol?
So you consider you discrimination bazooka being “courteous and professional”?
No, the rules just don’t cover all languages. Do you imply the ability to learn languages is linked to races? You better don’t.
Decades ago I’ve learned english to understand what all these computer games are about. Cope with it, there’s no given right to have every computer game available in every language.
and writing something in a chan in a language that many people don’t understand is disrespectful.
I am french, and if i want to speak french, i will have a dedicated chan for that or a private convo my some french guys. If i join a general chan i will always do the effort to speak english
I think the same of russian-speaking players who write in russian, even if i learnt russian at college.
So stop being paranoid and complaining, your conversation in spanish was not following the rules of the chan established in the motd. Yes, the isd guy may have been rude, but no, there is nothing anti-spanish, racist or anything similar. And maybe, if you were the moderator and you have to deal with hundreds of guys not following the rules every day you would be upset and a little bit too rude.
So instead of spending your time complaining on the forum, create your own spanish chan, create a post on the forum to announce its existence, put it in local in Jita, and try to help new players speaking only spanish
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