Fishstick Heavy Industries - Expeditions to Low/NPC Null! US/EU TZ

We’re a new small corporation that focuses on working in the dangerous areas of space for better content and ISK making opportunities than sticking around in Highsec. We aim to help newbros and vets alike on how to operate in dangerous space and thrive, and have us all learn along the way.

Our goal is to build up our numbers, experience and resources to set up a 2nd home in NPC Nullsec and carve out our own little home! For now, we live in Minmatar Highsec next to a quiet Lowsec and NPC Nullsec region that we venture into for content, learning and making ISK.

Usual Activities + What to Expect:

  • Daytripping into Low/Null/Wormholes for content/ISK

  • Small-gang PVP + Minmatar FW Content

  • Joint PVE Missions + Homefronts + Ratting

  • Mining daytrips for rare ore/gas/ice

  • Small corp lifestyle, no wars + few serious battles

  • Relaxed Lifestyle 1-3 fleets a week (No mandatory fleets, RL comes first.)

  • Split US/EU TZ, scheduled fleets tend to start afternoon/eve US and eve/night EU

  • Chance to build a corp from the ground up!

Requirements + What We’re Looking For:

  • Discord Comms, mic not required except for speaking roles.

  • No 1-day characters, please have some time in game first.

  • Willingness to learn and/or work + train with newbros and inexperienced players.

  • Small activity requirements (Purge every month for people who don’t log in/be around for 4 weeks without notice)

  • Looking for experienced players who lend their skills to help corpmates + develop the corp.

  • Looking for anyone, newbro or vet, interested in getting into new areas of the game!

For any applications/point of contact, please EVE Mail or convo the CEO: Kaz Akaryia

Alternatively, join our in-game public channel: Fishstick Pub

You can also join our discord with this link: Akaryia Archive and feel free to give us a call.

“Don’t Worry About It.”

We’re still recruiting if anyone’s interested!

Still around and still recruiting. o7

Still around, still recruiting, and we’re still fleeting up! Feel free to get in contact if you’d like to join! We are currently not taking alliance requests.

Still around, still recruiting, and we’re still fleeting up! Feel free to get in contact if you’d like to join! We are currently not taking alliance requests.

We have also joined Minmatar Fleet Alliance (FL33T) so expect some fun and content with them too!

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