Fix Invasions - Stealers/Salvagers are infecting the gameplay

For the ninja salvagers in small ships gank them. If they are in a BS then bump them or beat them to salvage.

Other then that we just have to wait till a change is made if ever. As the patch notes for tomorrow’s updates dont say anything on the subject, I’m guessing its intended. CCP wants blood, let’s give it to them.

Asking PvE focused players to gank or bump to correct a shortcoming in content simply won’t happen. It’s not because their not capable of it, but simply because it does not interest them. They will simply move on to a different form of content.

It’s akin to telling a fleet PvPer that to join Abyss PvP content they first have to build a ship capable for surviving a T3 Filament. That content doesn’t interest them, they’ll go find PvP elsewhere (and abyss pvp is dead because of it).


Possibly. It’s not that black and white in Eve. Sure some are 100% Pve or PvP, but not all.

I do think it’s odd and I’m surprised a changed has not happened already. Wish we could get direct answers from a dev on this subject. As far as I know they have been very quiet on this subject.

Correct, hence the call from many to make the target suspect. If someone goes suspect you’ll see a PvE happily go PvP on the ninja. However, as it currently stands you’d be hard pressed to convince a typical PvEr to suit up a ganking alt, or worse yet gank on their main, and deal with the security status management etc.

Hopefully the change is made soon before interest in invasions fades further. Hype draws people to the content, lake of compensation prevents them from continuing or coming back to it.

I definitely dont disagree. I was just tossing out some options given it’s current state. I’m all for a criminal flag on ninja salvagers.

The invasion seems full of oddities. I use a marauder, and when in bastion mode I should be immune to jamming. Not vs the trigs. It’s not effecting my ability to take them down, so no biggie. Not sure if it’s an error or intended.

On a side note the browse feature for the market has been messed up since the new expansion. Again no change, no conformation if it’s intended. Just a total lack of communication.

Has anyone seen a response from CCP about any issues after invasion release?

totally agree, on top of that the other important question is:
How many suicide ganking alt does a average EVE player has, is it going to be enough to gank every ninja salvager, when they can simply get another ship and continue while you’ll need to wait for 15 minutes timer.

And they say it is a PvE event ha ha i like this one already.

Crying would be creating posts like
“Change the Rules!! I can’t play!! Stealers/Salvagers are infecting the gameplay!!”

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Ninja Salvaging is just part of the game. The wrecks are free to salvage because all they really contain are twisted beams of scrap.

Modules on the other hand are loot.

What I don’t understand is, how can you salvage a wreck of a console for example when that console ties or tied directly into an operation for a module that is found in the wreck that turns you suspect if you loot the module? Shouldn’t cutting the cables connecting the module to the console be considered a suspect activity if you don’t own wreck?

Cause this is a video game, no real console have been cut and doesn’t follow real world logics?

So the perceptive crime is not really a crime unless the game flag anyone for suspect activity by what is defined in mechanics of the game.

So salvaging is not a crime by game logic and not by player logic.

I did not create this post to cry, I was just raising a flag to a possible lack of proper implementation.
I have already quit the dream of going to defend Eve from invasions even with friends, because if the proper fleet size for minor conduits are 1-3 people (as stated in game) more is an overkill and a waste of time for the reward. In this 1-3 players, a dedicated salvager is not an option and because people can freely come in and take everything out with a 8 slot dessie with salvage rigs.

If you create a PVE content where most of the income is in salvage then you must implement a way, at least in this part of the game mechanics, where this would not be possible or at least to be away to counter it. Like if you leave the site for more then x minutes your wreck becomes free for all.

Everything that you take from another player without him being able to do something about it is stealing either way you take it, and even more so in this content.

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To put it simply this is a PVP game no matter how much they tries to say it PVE game laugh …this is nothing new.

You will lose you ship once in a while

You will get gank if you so much walk pass low sec

People will try to friend you con all sort of stuff or lead you over a cliff.

They will Randomly pick a fight with you and gank steal everything you have if they can do so legally in high or low sec.

Those who stayed long enough have cross over to the darkside or some sort darker version of good.

If you can’t take all this, your in the wrong game.

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As a solo player, there is nothing in the Invasion that interests me. I’ve hung around those sites for awhile and realized the Tri’s are like locusts on crack. There’s no real incentive to jump in with a battleship or whatever, since the only reward is small loot and the lucrative salvage. Which, of course, is subject to ninja salvaging.

Am I tempted to go the ninja salvager route? I hate it when some punk jumps in on my DED site after I’ve done all the work and then steals the loot. Why be another EVE a-hole?

The invasion sites are very limited anyhow, so why travel all that way just to get my fair share of abuse?

I hope the groups doing the sites have a great time, I’ll just sit this one out…

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Please, the Drifters are funny enough without this too.

If you think a looter is unstoppable or has nothing to lose, lemme tell you it feels different from this side when the other guy is on the ball.

I claim salvage rights on anything a crew isnt working on.

Have done for years.

But the line you quote is nothing about salvage.

As ships dont contain raw isk, yes it is

I did not get your point.
That line was talking about sharing the reward for completing the conduits.
you get ISK and LP from the system.

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I see there’s literally no interest in engaging, only deflecting, procastinating and complaining.

I thought EvE was supposed to be about thinking around a problem.

:slight_smile: it is always easier to say than do.

Few wanted or are interested in having to play this theme park…