Flying Dangerous is recruiting corporations and solo pilots in all TZs!

Watch our Talking in Stations Interview to see who we are and what we are about!

What we offer:

  • PvP focused alliance holding sov as part of FI.RE
  • Plenty of traffic from hostile neighbors
  • Standing fleet in all TZs
  • Primary USTZ with a rapidly growing EU and AUTZ
  • Veteran experience from every corner of EVE
  • Access to all null, low, and high sec structures, including a market in our capital system
  • Established and moderated Mumble, Discord, and forums
  • Null, low, and high security industry structures of all specialties
  • Stratops, roams, and other PVP fleets through FIGL with veteran FCs
  • Epic large scale fleets through FI.RE

Looking to join Flying Dangerous as a solo pilot and want more information? Click here!

:arrow_down: Looking to join Flying Dangerous as a corporation? Read below! :arrow_down:
Is your corp looking for a new alliance? We want to make Potentially Dangerous (-POT- for short) your next challenge in EVE. POT was founded in association with the recently reformed Flying Dangerous (FIGL), an old school PVP powerhouse with more than a decade of history. FIGL leadership is now looking to add new, independent corporations to the rapidly growing Potentially Dangerous, turning it into a traditional alliance of its own. By joining -POT- you are joining the Flying Dangerous family with access to fleet operations, industry structures, and Sov null security space, all with the spirit of PVP front and center. Our coalition, containing the PVP based Flying Dangerous, industry based Xagenic Freymvork (VAULT), and the constantly evolving Potentially Dangerous, wants you!

What we are looking for:

  • Pilots capable of prospering in rich yet dangerous locations.
    • We live in dangerous places. We are relatively small. Our success relies upon our members being awake, and working together effectively. Massive blue lists and deep krab null are not things you will find here.
  • Organizations with any range of recruitment interest, from the tightest knit groups to corporations actively looking to grow their ranks.
  • Culture Fit: We have long been a group who value PVP above all else and all our culture and strategic goals are based around generating PVP content for our members. We want you to share and help us attain these goals. We go about this in a relaxed, no nonsense, and inclusive way that allows our members to grow and build their PVP skills.
  • An understanding that your corporation is yours to build and grow; joining the FIGL community should not mean dissolving your identity or internal structure. We want independent thinkers and do-ers, not F1 monkeys.

FOR CEOs: Click here to fill out a quick intro form

Interested? Join our in-game recruitment channel Relaxed Recruitment, join our discord, or ask a question in the comments of this post! Also check out our website for more information:

Any questions? Talk to a recruiter today!

Still recruiting!

There’s PvP to be had! Why miss out?

Join FIGL!

We like blowing stuff up! Come do it with us today!

Like pvp? We’re still recruiting!

Still recruiting! We love teaching people how to pvp.

Blowing stuff if is more fun with others: FIGL is still recruiting!

Bump: Flying dangerous is still recruiting!

Still recruiting! We want to help you learn PvP!

bump bump, FIGL is recruiting!

Still recruiting!

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