Forgot To Repair [FO2RE] - WH Corp C4 (C3/C5 Statics) - Open to New & Returning Players!

Brief update: wormhole life is cozy and thrilling but only with FO2RE. Sign up, sign up, sign up - I dare you!

A testimonial from a recent applicant:

“Since then I have been in null. Things have gotten stale and I started day tripping into Whs again and realized how much I like hitting the “v” key instead of F1.”


We successfully helped the EVE Economy this week by sending a few pilots back to the markets !

So if you also want to help the economy, join the Discord ! We’ll find you a spot !

And we’re still looking for indus pilots !

Long time no see, it’s been a week !

A few new members joined, and we now have a very good base of pilots, so if you want to join a corp that is thriving and always need invested pilots, give us a shot !

Knock knock, who’s there? Only the BEST CORPORATION IN JSPACE. Join us, c’mon, DO IT. End of compelling reason to join F2R :slight_smile:

The weekend in a sentence thus far: we have had satisfying PvP, only one person has rolled themselves out, our eyes are turning blue from the loot and our minds are close to exploding from the gas.


We snagged a nag’ this week - 'twas fun! :fire:


Recruitment is still open ! EU TZ is stable, AU & US TZ are getting there !
If you’re feeling like trying new things, shoot us a message !

We’re still well & active ! Give J-Space a shot !

We still need ductape !
Join us for some good time, especially with Jamie.

We’re making friends !

We’re reaching a size where we have multiple activities a day, so if you’re looking for an active and fun corp where you can still exist as an individual, join us !

Recruitement is now OPEN again !

We moved into a C3/C5 statics, and now that we’re properly settled in, we’d be happy to have new faces joining us !

A little bump at a different hour, because we’re looking to reinforce our US TZ / AU TZ roster !
Everyone is still welcomed, of course :slight_smile:

I am interested in learning more, older player but never really had a lot to do with wormholes. I play in NZ TZ, a couple hours ahead of AU TZ. If you are still looking I would be keen for a chat.