Frustration with Lack of Rewards in Dangerous Exploration Content

Dear EVE Online Support Team,

I am writing to express my frustration with the current state of rewards for exploring dangerous data and relic sites. I had a dream of diving into these sites, taking on the reds, and making a profit from my efforts. To pursue this goal, I trained the necessary skills and invested in a ship that could handle these encounters solo. However, I eventually realized that there is little to no profit in doing so, despite the preparation, the risks involved in navigating wormholes, and the combat costs.

This experience has been discouraging to the point that I stopped playing. It feels counterintuitive that the effort, risk, and costs outweigh the rewards, especially as I progress as a pilot. The game’s progression seems imbalanced, where the more I develop and grow, the less rewarding it becomes.

Could someone please look into this? The balance between effort and rewards, as well as the game’s progression scale, seems to be off.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


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While I share the same disappointment in the value of loot drops from Hacking Sites, I definitely don’t share the same decision to quit…

Exploration is sorta like gambling, you pay your money and take your chance…

Basically just gotta keep at it, eventually you’ll hit the big payoff which will more than make up for all the little one’s…

Anyway, I hope you reconsider and continue to play… And if you do, I wish you the best of luck and much success…


I like exploration, it pays well.

But there’s always a suck-up to defend, whether they actually agree or not… Anyway, exploration is by far the best way to make money. Now, if you’re out there exploring and, even more so, taking down reds with a ship that’s more expensive than a frigate, it doesn’t make sense for the loot to be smaller… it just doesn’t!

Not the intention to suck up, it was meant as simple and concise viewpoint in contrast to what appears to be a lengthy ChatGPT post.

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I found the danger to be the content.