GDawn & A.O. Logistics Inc. recruit new and old players: Industry & FW

Primary ā†’ Target that will get attacked.

RR Fleet ā†’ Remote Repair Fleet

RS Fleet ā†’ Remote Shield Fleet

Hello Duchesse
I sent you a message in game!

Hey and welcome to the Corp! :slight_smile:

PG ā†’ Powergrid of the Ship

Imps ā†’ Implants for your Clone

Low Sec ā†’ Low Security Systems

Webbing ā†’ Using a Stasis Webifier

POS ā†’ Player-owned starbases

On grid ā†’ Ships you have in your overview

Off grid ā†’ Ships you dont have on your overview, but on scanners.

Null Sec ā†’ Null Secuirty Space

JB ā†’ Jump Bridge

CCC ā†’ Capacitor Control Circuit Rigs

Dread ā†’ Dreadnought

Biomass ā†’ Permanently deleted character

PI ā†’ Planetary Industry

So how many members do you have ? How active are u during Eutz and ustz ? So you have space for level 4 missions and abyssals, do you allow dreads or do u have need of them? Do u allow us to use any ship ? And if you do a specific fleet that requires a specific ship Iā€™m good with that. Let me know thanks

I wrote to you in game. :slight_smile: