GDawn & A.O. Logistics Inc. recruit new and old players: Industry & FW

Thank you I’ll check it out …

MLU β†’ Mining Laser Upgrade

FOB β†’ Forward Operating Base

ECCM β†’ Electronic Counter-Countermeasures

Good Morning β†’ Greetings, not only in Eve Online :wink:

FW β†’ Factional Warfare

Hi do you guys use discord and would you accept a a returning player who cant remember a thin about the game?

sure, sent you our Discord in game. :slight_smile:

thanks il jump on tomorrow

Ok, I’m looking forward to talking to you.

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TQ β†’ Tranquility

Gyro β†’ Gyrostabilizer

UTC β†’ EvE Online Time

ADC β†’ Assault Damage Control

New in game channel: GDawn public

ORE β†’ Outer Ring Excavations

DST β†’ Deep Space Transport

CNR β†’ Caldari Navy Raven

SRP β†’ Ship Replacement Program

I always thought that Warp Disrupt = β€˜Point’ and Warp Scramble = β€˜Scram’?