GDawn & A.O. Logistics Inc. recruit new and old players: Industry & FW

Yes, to be more precise, thx. :slight_smile:

Flip β†’ Can Flipping

Since we have already received several requests from alliances that want to poach us: We are very happy in our current alliance and see a long-term future here. To all the low alliances that wanted to poach us: We are casual high-sec players and therefore of course we don’t want to cause any trouble. :wink:

DST β†’ Deep Space Transport

Damp β†’ Sensor dampening

MFS β†’ Magnetic Field Stabilizer

Recruitment thread updated.

Corporation security measures: Since there are no API (ESI) checks in GDawn, players are generally not checked by the corporation when they are hired. In times when accounts can be financed purely through in-game currency and there are players with up to 10, 20 or more accounts, this no longer makes sense. This means that in this corporation there is a general presumption of trust, but this is made more difficult by the game mechanics, as it is unfortunately possible to permanently damage a player community in leadership positions without consequences for the players who do this. The game manufacturer wants it that way and therefore other measures must of course be taken for the benefit of all players in the community and for the community as a whole: Director positions are only awarded after 10 years with a clean record within the corporation. A spy who wants to permanently damage the corporation must invest at least 10 years here, which can be seen as a sensible and long-term security measure for the corporation and all players who contribute to it.

HFO β†’ Homefront operation

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Links β†’ Command Bursts

Hic, Hictor β†’ Heavy Interdiction Cruiser

AT β†’ Alliance Tournament

Join our new subsidiary Alpha et Omega Logistics Inc. with your alpha account.

Godroll β†’ An extremely lucky Abyssal roll

Sounds perfect. I can help out new people make isk and share my abyssal experience. I’ll hit you up in for or five hours in game.


ECM β†’ Electronic Countermeasures

AWU β†’ Advanced Weapon Upgrades

MJFG β†’ Micro Jump Field Generator

WTS: Orca Pilots
WTB: Prospect Pilots
Rorqual pilots for R64 will be hired in a few years, but you can apply now.

2 month trail time introduced and the corp is currently being purged of possible spies.

Recruitment thread updated