GDawn & A.O. Logistics Inc. recruit new and old players: Industry & FW

Thank you for the offers we have received from various alliances to join. This will of course be handled discreetly. However, we are not currently looking for an alliance and do not want to operate booster production via alt corps in various alliances as it is normal, so that all booster producers can get all the necessary resources out of every region. Since our corporation does not believe in metagaming, we want to take the path planned in the game mechanics for booster production: Black & Covert Ops logistics for expedition frigates and not various alt corps in most alliances, because we do not believe in blue balling either.

CTA → Call to Arms

Curse of BWF → A widely held belief that any corporation or alliance which holds the BWF-ZZ system in the Geminate region will shortly failcascade.

Safety → Ship setting that helps prevent accidental acts of aggression that would cause the pilot to otherwise gain the Criminal or Suspect flags.

Deathcloning → Self destructing your pod to travel to your home station.