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PvP → Player versus Player

GDawn PvP Guide:

There are of course many new players who are fundamentally interested in EvE Online, but as online players they are aware that the barrier to entry is relatively high, especially in PvP in online games like EvE Online.

Returning players with few skill points often think to themselves, should I really start again? In 0.0 we are now primarily at Supercapital Warfare in these days and I need at least a Dreadnaught or even a Titan to really make a difference for my corporation or alliance.

Yes, that is the case in EvE Online now, because there are a lot of players with a high number of skill points and players naturally want to use their skill points. That is of course perfectly fine, but in reality it has relatively little to do with PvP in EvE Online. In EvE Online size doesn’t matter, EvE Online is economic PvP. That’s why new players and returning players with few skill points in EvE Online can actually make a difference quickly or still in PVP. It’s not about the size and number of kills, but about the ISK efficiency.

How many ISK do you have on the field and how many ISK do you destroy on your opponent with it? This is the ratio that matters in EvE Online economic PVP.

Under this basic criterion, smaller ships such as a stealth bomber often have an unbeatable ISK efficiency ratio.

A stealth bomber with a T2 fitting costs around 50 million ISK, can be quickly skilled in a few months and can even be used in a fleet to destroy billions of ISK, even capital ships. A Hound is probably the best PvP ship in EvE Online in terms of ISK efficiency and that’s what economic PvP in EvE is all about. Of course, you also need experienced players who can open a Black OP’s Bridge, but that’s exactly what a corporation or alliance is supposed to be, a union between new and experienced players where you can really play the game together.

Of course, you also have to understand the basic mechanics of EvE Online economic PvP if it’s not about predefined timers so that PvP can take place at a certain time.

In contrast to other games in which players compete against each other in an arena or on a map, in the sandbox EvE Online PvP depends on various criteria and is primarily determined by chance:

You have to be in the right ship, at the right time with the right number of players in the right place in order to be able to do PVP.

The most important criterion in EvE Online PvP is of course the so-called “target picking”. To do this, you must first and foremost know your own ship, know the enemy ship and be able to pay attention to your surroundings:

Can I use my ship to destroy another ship, which I can also hold with a warp disruptor, in a reasonable amount of time without reinforcements from the area I am currently in being able to arrive in time?

This is basically what EvE online economic PvP is all about: ISK efficiency and target picking.

My aim here is not to write a detailed PvP guide, but rather to show new and returning players with few skill points that even as a new player with few skill points in EvE Online in 0.0 you can efficiently PvP for your corp and alliance if you understand the game mechanics.