Have the rules changed for ganking?

I think Io Kaval is more happy with the current state of the game than you are, as he accepts and embraces that piracy exists in this game.

Maybe take your own advice, don’t try to change a game we’re happy with and don’t waste time on it? There’s plenty of other games, surely some of them will suit your tastes better than this game that has things you dislike?


…and why am I not surprised this is the outcome: personal attacks since you can’t handle objective criticism.

To summarize the debate had here:

Metriche: Alpha ganking change was driven by monetization
Io: I don’t think it was driven by monetization
M: Yes it was and they’d get more money if they eliminated ganking.
Io: OK assume it’s all true why did they half-ass it and not just outright ban ganking for the monetization reason you proclaim? That must mean by your own logic keeping ganking makes monetization sense.

Look dude, you’re the one who posted in the Newbie Q&A. I wrote for the newbie audience plainly without insulting you or them. If you can’t handle a rational debate without calling the IRL people names, and can’t separate a game for reality, then perhaps this game isn’t for you.

Please point to my specific passages that:

  • Dismisses your evidence you present
  • Insults you directly
  • Throws wild accusations

Because what youll find is instead me saying to you „let’s assume you’re right, why doesn’t the opposite make more sense“ and to the newbies reading „hey this is how these conversations have gone on these forums*.

There was the prior incident where you assumed I was a ganker and decided to preach at me and I didn’t let it slide, and I won’t let it slide that you’re calling me a narcissist for cutting that crap and instead actually trying to engage on your core argument. Not a good look for you.

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Once again a ganking/anti-ganking post that is starting to get out of hand.

Keep to the forum rules and stay friendly - otherwise this will be the next locked post.

Thank you!


Makes popcorn on his main, watches the semi smart ones try to act smarter than they really are to outsmart the not so smart ones they intend to outsmart with big words and terms.

Grabs soda…

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antigank threds shud be gainst teh law.
Pixel Lives Matter.

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