Hot Chocolate!

Having searched my channel archives, it would seem that I have been using the title “Greatest Sani Sabik capsuleer philosopher of the modern era” for about three years on “The Summit” channel.

And various titles without the capsuleer modifier, for at least 5 years.

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Hey hey hey, this is going off-topic.

How does ms.Valate relate to hot chocolate?

…On second thought, nobody answer that.

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I had the same reaction. I had to double check that I didn’t take some hallucinogenics.

Edit: Hey, I figured out how to do quotes so I don’t confuse people any more than I already do.


Personally, I enjoy consuming copious amounts of alcohol. It tastes good, and it helps me loosen up. The memory loss is just an unfortunate, or convenient, side effect.

Actually, it’s alcohol abuse when you don’t know how to control your drinking. I know when to stop. I don’t have a problem.

It’s not the puking that’s the fun part! That would be silly. It’s the things that happen before the puking. Or, if it was a really good night, also the things that happened after the puking. The puking is just a temporary setback.

Grief, I would swear that almost no one in this thread knows how to drink properly.

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Open mouth, pour in drink of choice, swallow, repeat as required.

It’s not rocket science. Well, not unless you’re Mattari as I believe they drink their rocket fuel. I suppose it’s handy that it’s multi-purpose though.

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Ironically, you were one of the three people I was thinking of who might know how to drink properly.

In light of this, I’ve revised my estimate down to two.

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Wait, you think you know how to drink ‘properly’, yet have no sense of humour? Lighten up, grab a whiskey (no ice, perhaps a splash of water depending on the distillery).

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It’s not that I don’t have a sense of humor. It’s that you aren’t nearly as funny as you think you are.


Ah well, luckily I don’t have to worry about a career in comedy.

Drinking properly is entirely subjective though, and I’ve done everything from connoisseur tastings to absynthe poured over drug infused sugar cubes. My point was simply that one beings alcoholic is anothers lightweight.

Each to their own is my general attitude.

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Yeah, problem drinkers all say that. “I know when to stop”, “I don’t have a problem”, “I don’t need to drink”, “I can stop any time”.

If you can’t remember those things, then effectively they didn’t happen. It’s pure delusion to wake up the next day with a raging hangover and vomit spatters on your shoes, and think “I had a great time last night”, when you have no memory of it.

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I really can stop any time!

You do remember that you had a grand old time, though. You remember the rush of adrenaline and the good humor. That’s good enough for me!

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Either you remember things, or you don’t. Which is it ?

My point still stands. If you have no memory, how do you know you had a good time ? Or a bad time ?

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Why can’t it be both?

Speaking for myself: Sometimes I remember everything. Occasionally I only remember the Glow, that feeling of being ecstatically happy, without remembering what exactly caused it. Rarely, I remember being even more of an asshole than I usually am, but without remembering what assholery I pulled.

It’s an intuition of sorts, and it’s correct around 99% of the time.

Disclaimer: Other people will experience drinking differently.

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Sure thing, rummy.

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Walks To The Supermarket*

Gets Milk, Coca Cola, And Whisky*
Gets High*
Forgets Chocolate*

Oops Wrong Pic*

Sooth Sayer and Blue Pill is where its at.

What’s Coca Cola?

An herbal tonic, based on that poor bear. Or so I am guessing? Maybe it is also drugs. It’s hard to keep track of all the names people call things.

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