[HS/LS PVP Newbie Friendly] Amontillado Squad is recruiting! all TMZs!

waiting on your shot to get out of high sec?
Wanting to ease into PVP without a large commitment?
looking to start PVP but have no clue where to start?
Looking for a Noob Friendly corp with FC’s who understand what it takes to learn?

Well, that corp has found you!!

Amontillado Squad!

We are a sister corp environment in Ls/HS Defending a mining corp. (both under the same leadership)
Content is a guarantee!
Low expectation for fleet or combat experience.
No commitment to fly anything you can’t afford to lose.
Plenty if ISK to be made while learning to blow ■■■■ up!

what we are looking for:
Newer Pilots with roughly 1 Million SP, but we also accept many pilots with basic T1 Destroyer skills (roughly 1Mil SP).
Pilots hungry to learn PVP in a friendly environment with 0 commitment.
Pilots who understand hull loss is a part of life and embrace it!
Drama-free, chill pilots who just want to learn and grow with our Corp!
Pilots who know what goes into good PVP and understand that not every second can be a pew fest.

We may also extend an offer to you if you posses any of the following:
Large or small group specialized FC experience.
Jspace PVP/Exp Experience.
LS/NS Roam Experience. (NeedleJacks DO NOT count)
Frigate PVP Roam Experience.

what we can do for you:
Give you content.
Give you security.
Give you references for larger Null Sec corps. (we fly with NS blocks from time to time)
Give you a sense of purpose.
Give you a sense of leadership.

wanna blow some ■■■■ up and chill with us?

Click the links below and let’s talk…no strings…no pressure…
If you don’t like what you see, the only loss is our/your time and a good chat.

Cheers! o7

Discord >>>> Blue Echo Industries

Recruitment Survey (Required) >>> https://forms.gle/pRXS3V5qhRHtqMNG9

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