[I-RED] Ishukone-Raata Industrial Partnership Seeking Private Contractors

I-RED Release - Ishukone-Raata Industrial Partnership [I-RIP]

To the wider summit community,

The I-R Industrial Partnership has been authorized on behalf of the I-RED directorship to open up several of our industrial operations to private contractors.

What is the I-R Industrial Partnership [I-RIP] looking for?

  • The I-R Industrial Partnership [I-RIP] is looking for professional industrialists with a very specific skillset (inquire for more information on a private platform).
  • The ability and willingness to participate in high risk operations.
  • Professionalism and integrity.

What is the I-R Industrial Partnership [I-RIP] offering private contractors?

  • I-R Industrial Partnership [I-RIP] supplies all private contractors with vessels and equipment during operational hours.
  • Private contractors can look forward to payment upwards of 200,000,000 ISK / 300,000,000 ISK per operation.

Interested? Contact one of our officers:

  • Mais Aulmar - Head of Industrial Projects & Revitalization
  • Veronique Kerreve - Logistics & Human Resource Manager

If you require more information we can release more upon request*. I-R Industrial Partnership [I-RIP] thanks you for your time!

*May vary upon approval by Internal Watch.

((To CCP this is not a recruitment thread for our corporation rather a RP focused event, involved parties will not be recruited into I-RIP or I-RED.))


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