⭐ IChooseYou - Buying all pilots! Instant isk!

31 b/o

5 Orca Pilots for sale:






Awaiting your quote. Thank you for your time.

https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Craven_TheThird looking for quote please. focused tengu pilot. :slight_smile:

Maybe you are interested:

Any interest?

I would like to sell this toon.

how much and do you have a character sheet i might be interested

I am for sale

what you can offer?

Hey there! I am possibly for sale.
Skill Sheet: https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Kiranka_Selqnkata

Mail me ingame with the amount you have in mind if interested. Thank you for your time!

A nice offer on this guy please :slight_smile:


wts this toon WTS Pirate pilot for sell carrier pvp toon 21,3 SP 17bil B\O


I am possibly for sale. Mostly frigate sized ship specialist. Pirate in Amarr faction warfare.

You guys have any FAX pilots for sale?

Hello IChooseYou,

I have sent you an eve-mail :slight_smile:

I am for sale with 75 Million Skill Points, and my skills link is here: https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Beachura

Please can you send me an appropriate offer. Thank you.

What do you think about these two ?

WTS and price check. If you call good price, i’ll see them to you.