Industrialist Looking for Corp

Experienced industry/mining specialist looking for Corp that will actually use me for skills and not as a bank roll for the Corp. I have complete set of mining skills up to command level and can run BPO’s like nothing through a good factory. Just recently got into doing research and have made several Tech II prints and am willing to learn what’s necessary to make what’s needed for the corp.

History: Top 5% in industry for 2021 per EVE report and am looking to bust top 2% this year with a willing Corp that can actually support.

Drop an eve mail if interested.

Mail sent.

Bleine Arnoux, Good luck on your next move, in game mail sent, hope it interests you.

Thank you for all the eve mails… this is closed now.


Industrial mining and mayhem seems a place for you. Stop by our Discord and ask everything you want to know.

Come have a chat with us on discord mate

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