Invasion Chapter 3 update from Team Event Horizon

Maybe, but… Niarja has the right sun type to attract 'em, so it’s still worrisome for those of us who occasionally enjoy, oh… I dunno, traveling from Jita to Amarr and back.

As others have pointed out in this thread or Uriel’s thread on the fiction portal, can’t remember which it was (read lots of both today), any regular ol’ highsec system that would trap a rookie system is also important to leave off the list of vulnerable systems on CCP’s end.

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Also its not about rookies only, but established players. Some systems being essentially null, would be comparable to getting rid of high sec entirely. In the scenario where system with Icebelts or Jita is Null, they are hitting the economic foundations of high sec. Gradually nerfing it for starting and established players who play there.

Effects are yet to be seen and CCP will have to find out themselves what are they.


Well, the patch which includes Amarr nerfs and Caldari buffs is coming out tomorrow, so…

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So it may be of no importance for Niarja, if scripted so Niarja couldnt be invaded at all, like rookie starting systems.

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too late for otela.


Also Kybels are rather hasty in thinking only about their own gain in systems like those, they are getting payout in stuff dropped from systems going liminality like EDENCOM never was able to get during the war. Certainly biased towards pirate Kybels.

Only hope for EDENCOM is with players who realize what is the role of high sec and how can they help EDENCOM.


Edencom players get the better drops and DED LP.

They’re way better of about isk in the event.

Pro Trig players just share the wealth with each other. If the ED players don’t do that, then that’s their problem.


Kybels are getting better loot in systems. Just look at the killboard. Not comparable with EDENCOM payouts defending system, and loot that trigs drop.

The rewards that are inside sites and loot is really not an incentive for Kybels anyway. There are scavengers in minor victory systems and Kybel pirates in liminalities.

Its just killing high sec gameplay, gradually, day after day. With each system going Final liminality.

What is the future? If systems will be fixed that way? Every system getting invaded and then some result permenent? Stale result of at least portion of high sec not available to the gameplay style of most people in the game, who live there.

This is what CCP wants? Maybe.

Word of warning. Developers usually dont give as much power for people in game for a reason. They give it, but not as much like with those invasions, because players can break the game in ways unimaginable for devs, even resulting in change of long term profits for company.


This has been a reported issue for over a month, after Ichoriya.

F*** Caldari, it seems… CCP doesn’t care. Not then, and not now.


I thought the salt comment was just you being clueless to be honest.

The EM hole on Caldari NPC forces was no joke. If that had been an Amarr system we would have defended that with less effort then what we put in. So what you are doing is calling valid criticism of CCP’s failure to balance this properly as salt.

CCP have already said that they will not reverse this so we are stuck with it, but what is worse is that Otela was actually interesting as there was enough people willing to defend their stuff there and it had a more vibrant atmosphere then most of hisec.

I should also mention that just before all this occurred our alliance stopped a war dec alliance in its tracks and made them give up in Otela and the player you replied to was part of that. Just before that event he used same heavy tackle I gave him to hold five Leshaks that all died to us and he was starting to really get into PvP. The developing game play around wars with people who were willing to defend their structures in Otela was what was just lost and the person you replied to was part of that. I guess that does not matter, pity because that was what Otela was.


Playtesting costs money and takes time. CCP is more interested in taking money and costing your time.

Yes it is utterly ridiculous that CCP seems to think lately that “Hey, let’s change the rules rapidly, and wipe out trillions of peoples assets, and I bet they will play more to build it all back up again!”.

As you said, they are sadly mistaken. All CCP is showing people is that spending years working towards a goal in-game can be wiped out by CCP whim in a matter of days.

In my opinion, Covid increasing the player numbers due to people being at home more is giving CCP the false impression that “yanking the carpet from under players” is working and is increasing interest in the game. Bad mechanics and major destruction of player assets is not the way to encourage long-term interest in EVE.

Bad mechanics, poorly tested, with little concern for the effects on players. That’s the CCP way.


Oleta was the best defended caldari system system we have come across so far. I even commend the efforts of those that fought against us. It was fun and even had we lost I would be saying the same thing. 20% downwards was a real struggle for us and we had to optimize our efforts numerous times mid fleet just to keep up(I drank a lot of coffee that night)

Make no mistake you guys and gals made us work hard for that victory.

This fight was a mass of inexperienced locals up against a smaller force with months of experimentation and experience combined a bit of zealotry on our end as we knew this was one of the stars we needed. That and we are certain that we are close to achieving our goals. Some things said here need clarifying here however.

  1. Most of us in TTI are using Triglavian ships because they are just so good for this event, so for the most part we aren’t even abusing the EM resistance hole, neither are the NPCs for that matter, last I checked Trigs dealt Therm/Explosive mainly.

  2. We have a consistent spread of pilots across all timezones and as such we end up dominating any timezone that is lacking on the opposing side while holding the line when we are not able to use that advantage. We took the system from 43%ish all the way down to first liminality. Our expertise in taking systems has only increased over time and a possible liminal system is a big deal for us so there was a good player turnout on our end.

  3. When both sides are massacring the opposing side’s roaming fleets consistently as they were here and all the sites are being completed as fast as possible there is no inherent advantage on either side as the natural progress from either side comes from a lack of player intervention when the roaming fleets clash.

Even if the EM hole is patched(which I still believe it will be) this will not impede us.

The system’s future is not in the dirt however. No solid info yet but keep an eye on Raravoss. I get the feeling something interesting will happen very soon that will also be hapening in Oleta.


There was just not enough ospreys and oneiroses repairing Caldari. Or pulling the ships out from center of a site.

Prepare for more nights like that then, and days. Highsec is yet to awaken from its slumber.

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Oleta was the best defended caldari system system we have come across so far.

I’mma stop you right there and say just one word: Ichoriya.

Ichorya took longer but it was a back and forth, Ichorya was an endurance fight on our end and I will admit it comes very close. Otela had us completely deadlocked at 20% for hours in spite of our efforts.

If what happened here also happened at Ichorya. The system would be an EDENCOM fortification instead.

The pro-Trigs mostly used Trig ships lmao, there were hella Leshaks and Drekavacs. The EM hole isn’t relevant against those.

I fail to see how a few hours of deadlock that is ultimately broken before the spawn is even 12 hours old is a better defense than the full effort of pro-Triglavian players being pushed back in their strongest timezones, relying on AUTZ to claw it back while everyone else was asleep. Otela’s defense never reached a point where the Kybernauts lost progress despite their best efforts like Ichoriya did, so how was it best defended?

If I told you that you would know how we beat you. I will keep that one to myself.

Trig drops are much more valuable, because of the red loot that sells for 100k a pop to NPC buy orders, and they get stuff that is needed to get EDENCOM ship stuff from the LP store. Trigs just get faction ammo and some tech 2 salvage.

There is a need to clear roaming trig fleets and not allow pro trigs to kill edencom ships, simple. Dont allow system to come under 25%.

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