Invasion Chapter 3 update from Team Event Horizon

We had friends in Otela so we tried to help defend, but the weakness of the Caldari NPC’s made it impossible to defend.

Otela was one of the few ice mining systems not controlled by multi-boxer ice mining fleets because people had worked against that, and CCP just removed it from normal hisec players with these mechanics. Not a good day for Eve.


couldn’t agree more We all sat up as part of that push at Kino only to have 0 hope of fighting back . That’s not what I call good gameplay. If Dev’s want to change the layout of highsec don’t feed us false hope that we have anything to do with it.


I made a Forum account just to respond to this. In my 10 + years of EVE, I have never once visited the forums… I fully expect to be trolled or moderated so I most likely may never come back… With that said…

As a 10+ year resident of Otela, I can 100% confirm that the effort to save the system was heavily Pro-Edencom. There was 0 chance to change the course of the system due to Caldari being weaker than a Venture being ganked by CODE. (Coincidence that EDI was run by a CODE Alt). I think a great disservice has been done to the residents of Otela during the last 25 hours and I am saddened for my fellow Otelians who may have spent a Sunday with their family and come back Monday homeless and with 0 assets. This process should not have happened this quick especially before major patches are expected. As mentioned in other posts, Otela was the only Ice mining system not infested with CODE or Multiboxing fleets. It has been a beacon of what HS could look like. Hosting things like the 23/7 Free Open Public Mining fleets, Otela was a true beacon of working together as a community for at least the past decade.

I think it is utterly ridiculous that in under 25 hours, a HS System can be turned to Null sec. Even more ridiculous to get a ding letting you know invasion had started, getting dropped and scrammed by trigs and losing your fleet within 5 minutes of the initial notification.

0 warning. 0 time to react. 0 care for the local population. 0 care for HS.

It is high time CCP stops catering to the CSM which is run by Null/LS PVPers and start listening to the players who actually care about the game and make their economy into something they brag about over other games and market like no other feature.

The Trig invasion has been heavily marketed on Trigs and not on helping Edencom. Bully PVPers capitalized on this and forced people out of systems before First Liminality with 0 resistance after as the player base who lives in these systems is not interested in that play style. If we were, We would join a LS/Null alliance/corp and live that way.

Time and time again HS play style has been nerfed and changed drastically. This is just another attempt to ruin a portion of the game at the lulz of other portions. WAKE UP CCP. Both can live and thrive in EVE and doesnt need to have one sacrificed for the other.

RIP Otela, My home for a decade. To any of my friends reading this, hope to see you soon and hope to continue working with you wherever we may dock our ships in the future.

  • Utama out

As a highsec player Invasions have been the most fun I’ve had in EVE since dodging T3Cs during WH daytrips.


To be fair, I do not think CCP handpicks the systems that get invaded. Pretty sure it’s RNG.

Losing fleet within 5 minutes of the notification. 0 time to react.
Which is it?
Invasion has been running for a while now and everyone should know by now what happens.
You should have got the ■■■■ outta dodge when the system was near flipping or as soon as you got the notification, not hang around mining ice.

I’m a high ssc dweller, used to go on ganged roams, bombers bar had an alt in rvb to get my pvp fix, stopped playing 4-5 years ago. This invasion brought be back and its the most run ive had in high sec, beats level 4 missions.

The old saying, HTFU comes to mind.


He’s refering to the initial notification that trigs started invading the system. If you mean everyone should get out of dodge in every system that trigs might suddenly start to invade, there won’t be many miners left…


Miss read that part as the flip to low, but it still stands. If system is getting invaded and you’re neutral to trigs then get out of the system, unless you want to take the risk of getting dropped. The system is being invaded by hostiles after all.

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Dahz liminality progresses.

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Praise the Kybernauts,
Praise Zorya Triglav,
Praise Glorification.

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One should also keep in mind how Citadels are somehow sacred cows that get multiple reinforcement timers over several days to be fought over while Trig invasion essentially wipes out a system in 24h so if you happen go on a weekend trip, be ready to lose pretty much everything if you had the unfortunate luck to make your home in Blue/Yellow star system.


Thank You, @Damar_Rocarion, for continuing to point out the problems that normal people have with the Triglavian Invasion in Caldari space. I absolutely agree with everything You wrote in this thread.

Unfortunately, it seems that CCP not only ignored Your request from 2 weeks ago to respond to the serious doubts about Caldari EDENCOM NPC in this thread, but also they don’t care at all about the balance of invasion in Caldari systems. They did nothing that works, to properly fix enormous weakness of Caldari EDENCOM ships. Another Caldari systems being conquered one after another, and the efforts of pro-EDENCOM player forces to save Caldari are not successful.

This is one of the biggest and worst failure from CCP devs in 2020. Their ignorance, recklessness and lack of professional approach to problem with invasion in Caldari space led to the dismantling of Caldari State.

I’m deeply disappointed by that. But of course CCP don’t care about my feelings, or feelings of hundreds of other players that are unhappy and upset with Triglavian crap in Caldari space. Because why would they? After all, they think everything is fine and the invasion is their greatest success in this year in terms of new content.

Miserable ignorants.


I dont think its purely RNG but directed RNG, if not entirely scripted. The choice of systems seems rather strange. Usually fringes of high sec, when it happens there. Or systems with ice belts. Also the stars that are in system have influence on the outcome, it can be liminality, fortress or just minor victory system judging from the system sun type.


I too feel, that CCP became quite clueless about what they do. Maybe its quite hard to get competent game devs and managers with understanding of their actions. Iceland is only 360 000 peoples island, also maybe its hard to get competent ones that will agree moving there. They have lost the old devs and that was being felt in game direction going on since then, gradually.

They only make incursions that are a lot severe in consequences and with less payout.


Is it just me, or are people being a bit salty here? :slight_smile:

It doesn’t sound too bad to me, if you have to move after living in same system for ten years, due to some event shaking things up.


More like not liking the obvious bias build in by CCP into the game with how invasions work overall in Caldari space.


Nah, Gallente systems have fallen to trigs as well, it just hasn’t been as easy as with Caldari. Not to mention that Amarr rats are blatantly OP, and those systems aren’t worth even trying. But looks like those issues are going to be fixed soon, right? :slight_smile:

Yeah, except balancing isn’t something done in 5 minutes. We’ll get a balance patch which gives Caldari 40% EM resist, and balances the way too overpowered Amarr edencom ships.

Which means Caldari won’t fall as fast, but Amarr will fall way faster.

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Amarr: Space Texas.

But then there’s the 35th.

It shouldn’t be lost in all this that the ECM nerf that was all about players and PVP… has now helped neuter 1 of the 4 NPC empires and make it fairly defenseless against the Triglavian threat. Talk about unintended consquences from yet again only balancing for PVP.

Well, good thing… otherwise Niarja would be even more at risk than it already is.


It is speculated that Jita, Uedama and Niarja are not on the Trig plan of invasion, along with few other rather important like rookie systems.