Industry requires a lot of research, you have to enjoy playing with the numbers and searching for the good builds. There is definitely money to be made in manufacturing. And there are many ways to go about it, you have to find what works for you through trial and error.
Industry is also directly tied to trading. There are very many variables that effect prices of items.
Price changes occur from updates, as well, and people still have stock of materials which they got at a cheaper price and thus can sell their items cheaper. Or, just coming back to the game and offloading stuff. Or traders getting items at a much cheaper price and selling at below manufactured cost, but still a profit to them. Tons of variables.
I just wanted to pick a seemingly random item, and see if it was profitable for you, so here’s the numbers as of today. (An item profitable today, may not be in a month, ever changing.)
The following assumes max broker fee / tax reductions. ( 1.80% / 3.60% )
Also, material cost is found from buying the materials directly from sell orders in Jita.
Item is produced 5 jumps away, at an NPC station with low cost index.
5MN Microwarpdrive I - 10 ME / 20 TE
Material Cost: $ 64,662.48
Job Cost (2.04% Index): $ 892.00
Total Unit Cost: $ 65,554.48
Current Price in Jita: $ 69,840.00 ( After taxes, profit of ~$ 624.00 /unit – ~1.0% return )
Average 90-day Price in Jita: $ 77,079.23 ( After taxes, profit of ~$ 7,490 /unit – ~11.4% return)
You could easily sell many units of this item in Jita for around 75-80k, and it would likely sell out before your 3 month market order expires. There are roughly 500 units bought and sold a day. Prices fluctuate but stay relatively calm.
Additionally, consider selling in markets other than Jita.
For example, this item is currently going for $ 78,000 in Dodixie, and you could probably sell it for $ 80-100k in a region like Lonetrek, at a small hub, though smaller volume/daily sells.
This is the kind of base level thinking you need to apply when taking on manufacturing, of course it scales and changes depending on what you’re building. Chains can get pretty complex.
Keep in mind, too, that this was just a random T1 item, the first one I chose and it happened to be ~10% profit margin. Not terrible. You can get a lot higher returns on other items, especially T2. Modules typically have much higher returns than ships, but ships have much higher price points so the smaller return is still a lot of ISK.
I hope this explanation was worthwhile to you, please feel free to contact me in game via email if you have any questions. I live close to you, in Lonetrek. Would be happy to chat some time.
Deca Skyward.